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How-To Articles
How to install the Windows Agent remotely (Cloud)
How to install the Windows Agent remotely (On-Premise)
How to install the Mac Agent remotely using Jamf
How to protect your Agent installation from tampering
How to stop/start the Agent
How to check the type and version of the installed Agent
How to switch the Agent from Cloud to On-Premise or vice-versa
How to uninstall the Agent
How to uninstall a Protected Agent
How to verify if the Agent is installed / uninstalled / running
How to update the Teramind Agent remotely
How to enable / disable auto-update of the Agent
How to update a protected Agent
What is Geolocation tracking and how to use it
What is End-to-End Encryption (E2EE) and how to use it (On-Premise)
How to find a computer's hostname and username
Zero Trust Security: Implementing Access Control Policies in Teramind
How to use the OCR (Optical Character Recognition) features
How to use the OCR feature to detect sensitive content on screen, inside an image or video
How to integrate with the SIEM (Security Information & Event Management) and PM (Project Management) systems
How to find information about your deployment
How to use your own proxy certificate (On-Premise)
How to attach, mount and expand recording volumes / NAS
How to set up Teramind for remote work
How to detect and prevent data leaks with Teramind
How to set up Teramind for privacy-friendly monitoring
How to customize Teramind to suit your preferences and brand
How to reset your login password
How to configure the macOS permission settings
How to find/change your hardware ID
How to change your license key (On-Premise / Private Cloud)
How to add an employee / computer
How to remove user data to meet GDPR compliance (On-Premise)
How to add another person to receive email notifications from Teramind
How to enforce 2-Factor Authentication (2FA) for admin users
How to enable/reset 2-Factor Authentication (2FA) for a user/employee
How to change the time when a rule is active (rule schedule)
How to change the monitoring schedule
How to change how long screen recordings are kept / auto delete recordings
How to delete screen recordings, other data and adjust monitoring settings to reduce the storage requirements
How to lock / unlock an employee
How to use shared lists to blacklist/whitelist websites, applications, IP addresses
How to let employees / users know when they are being monitored
How to change the application idle time
How to add/remove time or work hours manually
How to track payroll / wages in Teramind
How to create/change employee schedule
How to change what an administrator can view or modify (admin type and access control)
How to view a report of administrators’ activities
How to change task selection time out / auto-switch a user's task
How to change the alerts settings
How to change the email notification frequency for alerts
How to view the session recordings / video recordings of a user
How to delete a behavior rule
How to delete a behavior policy
How to edit a behavior policy
How to get notified when a computer goes offline
Rule Example: How to detect and block suspicious network activities
Rule Example: How to get notified when an employee is idle or unproductive
Rule Example: How to identify discrepancies in employee work time or schedule
Rule Example: How to detect sensitive content onscreen, inside an image or video
Rule Example: How to track and restrict printer usage
Rule Example: How to restrict social media usage
Rule Example: How to block clipboard copy/paste
Rule Example: How to block unauthorized file transfers
Rule Example: How to block sensitive emails
Rule Example: How to block the use of external drives / USB drives
Rule Example: How to block an application or software installation
Rule Example: How to block or redirect a website
Rule Example: How to track employee idle time for an application
How to use advanced rules techniques: multiple conditions, shared lists, regex, risk thresholds
How to classify activities as productive / unproductive or custom type
How to export or auto deliver BI reports
How to create custom productivity categories
How to track channels/huddles on Slack
How to export the session recordings / video recordings
How to turn off or suspend the monitoring of applications
How to turn off or suspend monitoring of websites
How to change a user’s account access level / role permission
How to add an administrator
How to create a behavior rule
How to create a behavior policy
How to print a copy of the dashboard screen
How to customize the dashboard
How to prevent admins from exporting data outside your organizational domain
How to monitor external (AD) users
How to change the monitoring settings
How to turn monitoring on/off for a user or computer
How to change the default language, time zone and other localization options
How to restrict logins by IP addresses
How to change another user’s password
How to let an employee view their own dashboard
How to edit an employee's profile information
How to delete or restore an employee / computer
How to configure rule email notifications
How to configure the daily digest / daily report / snapshot email notifications
How to configure server storage email notifications (On-Premise)
How to change the Agent default settings
How to enable / disable monitoring for an administrator
How to switch from Stealth/Hidden Agent to Revealed/Visible Agent or vice versa.
How to change the quality of screen recordings / videos
How to use the in-app support ticketing system (Cloud)
Productivity Metrics FAQ: How is Work Time / Idle Time / Activity Percentage / Productive Time / Unproductive Time / Total Time determined
How to update the Teramind Server and BI Classification (On-Premise / Private Cloud)
How to add security updates to the underlying OS (Debian with apt) of your On-Premise server
How to add additional storage for the screen recordings or adjust disk space
How to generate your own / self-signed SSL certificates for use with an On-Premise deployments
How to use 3rd party issued SSL certificates with GoDaddy
How to set up the SSO (Single Sign On) authentication
How to set up the Azure SSO (Single Sign On) authentication
How to activate the OCR feature on your instance
How to set up a multi-node deployment (On-Premise)
How to edit the Agent configuration to connect to a new server IP or hostname (On-Premise)
How to access Teramind server outside the local network
How to use the Teramind API
How to identify remote users vs locally logged-in users
How to monitor IM apps not supported by Teramind
How to Clear the HSTS Settings