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How to change the Agent default settings
How to change the Agent default settings
Written by Arick Disilva
Updated over 10 months ago

To change the default settings for the Teramind Agent such as currency, default task, auto monitoring, etc. do the following:

1. Click the Gear near the top-right corner of the dashboard.

2. Select Setting .

3. Select the Agent defaults tab.

4. You can change the CURRENCY used. Most of the international currencies are supported. The currency you choose will be used to display the wage/salary in the BI > Productivity report, TIME TRACKING > Employee Cost, TIME TRACKING > Task Cost, Payroll Widgets, Employee Profile (e.g., their salary/wage rate), etc. - anywhere the currency is used.

5. You can assign a DEFAULT TASK for employees when they start their shift (this is applicable if the employee is using the Hidden Agent). Restart the user machine(s) after changing the default task for it to take affect. Note that you can change/override the default task for an employee from their profile under the ACCOUNT INFO tab.

6. If the CREATE NEW USERS ON FIRST AGENT CONNECTION option is enabled, and if the corresponding user does not exit, a new user will be created when the agent first connects. This is helpful, for example, when you have hundreds of accounts that you don't want to monitor and don’t want them to be in the system. For example, service accounts.

7. If the ENABLE MONITORING FOR NEW AGENT BY DEFAULT option is turned on and your license allows it, new agent installations will have monitoring enabled by default. If disabled, new agent installations will not be monitored until you activate them from the dashboard (you can toggle monitoring for users from the EMPLOYEES > Action menu).

8. If the ENABLE MONITORING FOR NEW COMPUTER BY DEFAYLT option is turned on and your license allows it, new computer installations will have monitoring enabled by default. If disabled, new computer installations will not be monitored until you activate them from the dashboard (you can toggle monitoring for users from the COMPUTERS > Action menu).

9. Enable the ENABLE WEB LOGIN FOR NEW AGENTS BY DEFAULT option if you want your users to be able to log into the dashboard to see their own work stats, enable this option. Note that you can change/override this setting by toggling the User can clock in and out using Web interface from an employee's profile under the ACCOUNT INFO tab.

10. Click the SAVE button to save any changes.

11. The DEFAULT ACTION FOR SCREEN RECORDS DELETION option under the Screen records management section allows you to set the default option for screen record deletion dialogue box.

A confirmation dialogue box is shown when you try to delete time and screen records from the Time Records, Time Card (Daily or Weekly view), Screen Snapshots report, etc. The dialogue box presents you with several option on how you want to remove the records:

The DEFAULT ACTION FOR SCREEN RECORDS DELETION option determines what option will be selected by default on the delete confirmation dialogue box. You can choose from, Keep screen records, Restrict access for screen records, Remove screen records.

12. Click the SAVE button to save any changes.

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