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Written by Arick Disilva
Updated this week

Introduction to the Computers

The Computers screen shows all the computers you have added to Teramind, when they were last seen, online counts, currently online users/agents, IP addresses, operation systems, client (Agent) version, FQDNs (Fully Qualified Domain Names), and update channel, etc.

1. You can filter the report by LDAP Groups (if you have an Active Directory integration) and by status such as Monitored/Not Monitored/Deleted, etc.

2. You can filter the by status, such as Monitored, Not Monitored, Deleted, etc.

3. You can click the REMOTE INSTALL AGENTS button to deploy Agents remotely (On-Premise deployments only). See How to install the Windows Agent remotely (On-Premise) article to learn more.

4. You can see the status of the remote installation process by clicking the DEPLOYMENTS button (On-Premise deployments only). See How to install the Windows Agent remotely (On-Premise) article to learn more.

5. You can search for computers using the Search field.

6. You can export the report in PDF/CSV formats by using the PDF or CSV icon.

You can access the report settings (select which columns will be displayed vs exported) by clicking the Settings icon. You can refresh the report by clicking the Refresh icon.

Accessing the Computers Menu


1. Click the COMPUTERS menu to access its screen.

Remote Installing the Teramind Agent

This option is only available on Teramind On-Premise and Private Cloud deployments.

1. Click the REMOTE INSTALL AGENTS button near the top-right corner of the screen. You will be taken to the Remote Agent Installation screen where you can deploy the Agent remotely.

2. Click the DEPLOYMENTS buttons to see the status of the remote deployments.

Computer Action Menu

You can perform various actions such as enable/disable monitoring, enable offline notifications, update the Agent, etc.


1. Click the check marks in front of the computer names to select computers.

2. From the top-left corner of the screen, select the action you want to perform. You can choose from the following actions:

  • Enable Monitoring: enables monitoring on the selected computers.

  • Disable Monitoring: disables monitoring on the selected computers. On the Revealed Agent, the user will not be able to log in if you disable the monitoring. If they are already logged in, they will be logged out immediately.

  • Delete: Delete / remove a computer. Note that, when you delete a computer, it is not permanently deleted, just hidden from the computers list and all monitoring reports. Monitoring is also disabled when you delete a computer. If you are on an On-Premise deployment, deleting a computer will also free up a license.

  • Restore: Restores a previously deleted computer. Note that since deleting a computer also disables monitoring for a computer, you will need to enable monitoring again after you restore it.

  • Enable notify when offline: when you click this button, you can specify one or more email addresses which will get an email notification whenever the selected computers go offline.

  • Disable notify when offline: disables offline notification.

  • Uninstall Agent from PC: will uninstall/remove the agent from the computers.

  • Update agents: updates the installed Teramind Agent on the selected computers with the latest version. Available on On-Premise deployments only.

  • Cancel agents update: cancels any pending Agent update tasks. Available on On-Premise deployments only.

  • Change update channel: select the auto-update channel to use for automatically updating the Agent installed on the selected computer(s). You can create an update channel from the Settings > Autoupdate screen. Available on Cloud deployments only. For more information, check out this article.

Note that you can also perform these actions for individual computers from the Computer's Details screen or the Computer’s Settings window.

Accessing a Computer’s Details Page


Click on a computer from the list of computers on the Computers page. You will be taken to the Computer’s details page:

1. Click the tabs above the screen to view various monitoring reports for the computer. If the computer has multiple users, you will see information for all of them. Most of the reports are similar to the Monitoring Reports and Dashboard widgets. For example, the ACTIVITY tab is similar to the Web Pages & Applications report, the LIVE MONTAGE tab is similar to the LIVE MONTAGE Dashboard widget, etc.

2. From the left side panel, you can perform many of the same actions found on the Computer Action Menu such as enable/disable monitoring, delete a computer, update agent, etc. However, there are two new options you can access from the Computer’s details page: the EDIT INFO button lets you view/edit the computer’s profile/settings and the Video Camera icon lets you export session recordings. See the sections below for more information.

3. Also from the left side panel, you can view the computer's details such as what OS is installed, the IP address, the Agent version, etc.

4. If the computer has macOS installed, you will be able to view what macOS permissions are set. For more information about macOS permissions, please see this article.

Exporting Session Recordings of Users/Agents on a Computer

Click the Video Camera icon on a Computer’s details page to export session recordings of select users/agents on the computer. Clicking this button will open a Video params window:


From this window you will be able to specify export date and time, select agents/users, and other parameters for exporting the video/session recordings. See the Session Player section to learn more about session recordings.

Editing a Computer’s Settings

Click the Edit Info button from the Computer’s details page to edit a computer's settings.

Click the EDIT INFO button on a Computer’s details page to open the Computer settings window. The window is slightly different on Cloud vs On-Premise deployment:

Here are the explanations of each option:

  • CLEAN PRINT SPOOL (FOR PRINT SERVERS): This option is available when the Teramind Agent is installed on a print server. When Clean Print Spool is enabled, the Teramind Agent will check the print spooler every 10 minutes and delete documents older than 6 hours.

  • NOTIFY WHEN OFFLINE: When you click this button, you can specify one or more email addresses which will get an email notification whenever the selected computers go offline. You can also specify an offline threshold (in seconds). The system will wait until this threshold before sending out the notification email. Note that, the same option is available under the Computer Action Menu.

  • UPDATE CHANNEL: Select the auto-update channel to use for automatically updating the Agent. You can create an update channel from the Settings > Autoupdate screen. If you don’t select a channel the DAFAULT channel will be used.

The UPDATE CHANNEL option is available on Cloud deployments only. For more information, check out this article.

  • OVERRIDE: DELETE RECORDINGS OLDER THAN …: This option lets you delete recordings older than certain days. A value other than 0 will override the delete settings you have specified in the ‘DELETE HISTORY AFTER…’ field on the Monitoring Settings> Screen profile.

The OVERRIDE: DELETE RECORDINGS OLDER THAN … is available on On-Premise deployments only.

  • LDAP groups: Shows all the LDAP groups that are associated with this computer. Note that this information is only shown when you have an Active Directory integration set up.

Finding and Overriding the Causes of Blocked Updates

This feature is available on On-Premise deployments only.

When updating the Agent, sometimes the update might be blocked by Windows because of a pending reboot.

If this happens, you will see a red button, UPDATE IS BLOCKED on the Computers > Computer's details screen for the computer where the update is blocked. Clicking the button will show you a message explaining the reasons(s), "Update is blocked by the following reasons:…" and ask you if you want to ignore them. If you press the CONFIRM button, the update operation will ignore the reasons and try to do the update:

Remote Troubleshooting

The remote troubleshooting feature allows you to conduct troubleshooting of a computer and collect diagnostics logs. This feature allows you to run troubleshooting from the dashboard instead of accessing the computer locally or through a separate remote session (such as TeamViewer). It works without interrupting the Agent or revealing the troubleshooting to the user.

This method of troubleshooting helps our support engineers diagnose the most common issues. It doesn’t actually solve the issue. It also cannot collect all types of logs and additional investigations might be needed.

Click the TROUBLESHOOTING button to launch the Troubleshooting wizard:

1. Select a future date/time from the LOG UNTIL field. The log will be collected until then.

2. If a computer has more than one user, you can select them from the EMPLOYEES field or select ‘All’ to select all users.

3. Give the issue a name in the ISSUE CAPTION field. This will help us identify the issue being troubleshot.

4. Click the START button to start the troubleshooting process; press the STOP button to stop it (the STOP button is shown only after you started a troubleshooting session).

5. Click the DOWNLOAD LOGS: button to download all logs for the previous period.

6. If available, the TROUBLESHOOTING PROFILES can be used to select a profile. The profile contains predefined JSON settings to configure different aspects of the debugging settings. This is normally assigned by a Teramind Support Engineer.

7. The RAW SETTINGS JSON is also used by a Teramind Support Engineer to define specific debug settings.

8. The EXECUTION LOG will list the ongoing troubleshooting progress.

9. Enabling the AUTOSCROLL option will automatically scroll the EXECUTION LOG window.

10. Click the REPORT FILES tab to view the logs being collected:

11. On the REPORT FILES tab, you will see a list of logs being collected.

12. You can choose a period by clicking the Date Range/Calendar icon.

13. You can refresh the list by clicking the Refresh icon.

14. You can select multiple lists by clicking the check marks in front of the logs and then download or delete the logs from the Select action menu.

15. You can also download individual logs by clicking the Download icon or delete them by clicking the Trash Can icon.

16. Close the Troubleshooting window by clicking the CLOSE button. Note that, if you haven’t stopped a troubleshooting session, it will continue to run in the background until the date/time you have set. Next time you open the wizard you will be able to see the progress.

More Information About Troubleshooting

  • There are some limitations on Mac. Please see notes below.

  • The feature works when the computer is online (and in case of the Revealed Agent, when the user is logged in).

  • You can select any employees who have monitoring on and employees who once were monitored (even if they are no longer monitored, provided the Agent is still installed on their computer).

  • After pressing the STOP button, it might take a while for the troubleshooting to stop. The Agent will finish its current task and then stop the logging.

  • There are three log types:

    • Log: is the trouble shooter’s own log (the EXECUTION LOG).

    • Service Log: contains the logs from the Agent Service.

    • Agent Log: is the regular Agent log created per user session.

  • Each log is 1 minute long.

  • You can also open the Troubleshooting window via a URL variable, openTroubleshooting. Just add this variable at the end of a computer's details page to open the Troubleshooting window for a computer. For example:

Mac Troubleshooting Workflow and Limitations


After the initiating remote troubleshooting:

  • Stealth Agent: The Agent will restart and begin collecting logs in the background. Once the troubleshooting session is completed, the logs will be sent to the server as an archive. The archive can be accessed on the dashboard under the REPORT FILES tab.

  • Revealed Agent: The Agent will restart, requiring the employee to reauthorize their session. After the troubleshooting session ends, the Agent will restart again, and reauthorization will be necessary. The logs will then be sent to the server as an archive. The archive can be accessed on the dashboard under the REPORT FILES tab.


The EMPLOYEES field is currently not supported. Even if specific employees are selected, logs will be collected for all users of the computer.

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