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BI Reports
Written by Arick Disilva
Updated over a week ago

Introduction to the BI Reports

BI (Business Intelligence) Reports are powerful tools that simplify visualization and analysis of complex data. With these reports, managers can get timely and quick access to key information such as app and online activity, task and project engagement, work time analysis, security risks, and more.

Teramind comes with several pre-built BI report templates for common KPIs important to any business, such as Applications & Webpages, Productivity, Emails, Behavior Alerts, Login Sessions, File Events, etc. You can also ‘clone’ any of these built-in reports and customize them to your needs.


You can quickly create your own reports with easy to use widgets in visually engaging formats using bars, charts, heatmaps, and tables. The reports can be filtered by employees, departments, computers, and other data points. Each report screen also has its own settings you can use to finetune what data it displays and how.

Accessing the BI Reports Menus


1. To access a BI Report, hover your mouse over the BI Report menu, then

2. Select a report from the sub-menu:

Note that any custom/cloned reports you create will be shown near the bottom of the menu, under the built-in reports. Also, if a cloned/custom report has the auto-export (Schedule export) option enabled, the report will show a Calendar icon next to its name:

Report Tabs

Each Pre-Built BI Report comes with one or more tabs. This is to help you organize your information and present different views of your data in a compact fashion. You can also add your own tabs on a Custom BI Report.

1. Click the small + icon on top to add a new tab. After you have added a tab, you can then add widgets to populate it. Check out the BI Widgets section to learn more about widgets.

2. Click the small Trash Can icon to delete a tab.

3. Click the small Gear icon to rename the tab.

Pre-Built BI Reports

Teramind comes with several pre-built BI reports. You can use them as-is or configure or use them as templates for creating your own Custom BI Reports.

While Teramind allows you to edit the Pre-Built BI Reports, the changes are temporary and only available as long as you are on the report page. If you refresh the page or log out, the changes will be lost. To make the changes permanent, use the Custom BI Reports instead.

Applications & Websites

This report highlights app and web usage statistics for employees and departments. It comes with three tabs: Basic, Aggregated, and Categories. The Basic tab and the Aggregated tab both contain the same widgets such as Top Employees, Top Departments, Top App/Domains, Top Categories*, Top Browsers, etc. The only difference is the Grid Widget(table) that groups employees by App/Web category. For the Basic tab, the Grid Widget shows all employees by timestamp whereas the Grid Widget on the Aggregated tab groups it by app/website. The third tab, Categories has few more Chart Widgets such as Top Security Categories*, Top Reputations*, Classification Timeline, etc. And the Grid Widget on this tab groups employees by web/app Categories.


*About Security Categories and Reputations Widgets

Teramind uses inCompass® NetSTAR, a comprehensive web categorization and filtering technology to automatically classify websites and their reputations.

Classifying Web Pages & Applications as Productive/Unproductive

Productivity Profiles determine how apps/websites are classified as productive/unproductive. This, in turn, will affect how Productive Time, Unproductive Time etc. are reported. You can also quickly classify an item from the Grid Widget on any of the tabs:


1. Right click on a row on any of the Grid Widgets and select the Classify option from the pop-up menu.


2. Select a productivity PROFILE.

3. Select any of the PRODUCTIVE, UNPRODUCTIVE, or UNCLASSIFIED options.

4. Click SAVE to save the classification. Note that activities are classified as they are performed. If you want to retroactively apply a productivity profile - reset classifications from Configure -> Productivity Profiles.

To learn how to classify a group of activities, configure the productivity profiles or reset them, check out the Configure > Productivity Profiles section of the User Guide.

Aggregating Similar Items

Both the Aggregate and Categories tabs shows employee times grouped by app/web and category. You can, of course, create a custom report and add your own widgets on it to show aggregated items.

Showing Idle Time

Both the Aggregate and Categories tabs show idle time on the Grid Widgets. You can, of course, create a custom report and add your own widgets on it to show idle times and compare it with other data points such as Idle Time vs Active Time.


This report highlights productivity and performance KPIs for employees and departments. It comes with three tabs: Basic, Departments, and Tasks. The Basic tab shows several Chart Widgets such as, Top Employees by Work Time, Idle Time and Productive Time, Time Worked, Activity %, etc. The tab also contains a Grid Widget showing Task, Login Sessions Time, Work Time, Idle Time, etc. by employees. The Departments tab shows similar information except the Grid Widget groups the information by department. There are also three widgets (Classification, Activity, and Top By Idle Time) that shows information by department. The Tasks tab shows similar information like the Basic and Departments tabs but groups them by tasks.


For an explanation of the productivity metrics, check out the How is Work Time / Idle Time / Activity Percentage / Productive Time / Unproductive Time / Total Time determined? section on the Knowledge Base to learn more.

Productive Time vs. Unproductive Time

Productivity Profiles determine how apps/websites are classified as productive/unproductive. This, in turn, will affect how Productive Time, Unproductive Time, etc. are reported.

Behavior Alerts

This report shows all the rule violation incidents (triggered by Regular Rules) and any anomalies (triggered by the Anomaly Rules). You will see details for all alerts, actions taken by the system and risk information for employees and departments. It comes with two tabs: Basic and Risks. The Basic tab contains several Chart Widgets that shows no. of alerts (count) for the timeline, Hourly, and Top Employees. There is also a Grid Widget (table) that shows the Timestamp, Employee, Computer, Policy, Rule, Action taken by the system, and a Description of the alert.

The Risk tab allows you to conduct organization-wide risk assessment. It contains several Chart Widgets that show various alert and risk comparisons such as Alerts & Risk by timeline, Risk Heatmap, Top Risky Employees/Departments, etc. It also has a Grid Widget that shows information similar to the Grid Widget on the Basic tab but shows risk details grouped by tags.


Investigating an Employee

Right-click on a row on the Grid Widget then select the Investigate option. You will be taken to the Employee’s Activity Monitoring Report page where you can view the employee's activity log, session log, time worked report, alerts report, etc.

Viewing the Session Recording of an Employee

Right-click on a row on the Grid Widget then select the View record option. A Session Player window will pop up where you can view the employee's desktop, see all the notifications they received, export the video, etc.

Plotting the Risk Trend

The Alerts & Risk Timeline and the Risk Heatmap widgets on the Risk tab shows the risk trends. There are also other widgets on the Risk tab that can help you conduct a thorough risk analysis. You can also create your own custom report and add any trends you want to plot. For example, Risk Score by Departments, Frequency of Risk Violation by Tags, etc.

Configuring Rules for the Risk Report

The Risk report uses data from the Behavior Rules. You will need to set up rule Tags (Rules Editor > General > MARK THIS POLICY WITH TAGS TO IDENTIFY ITS PURPOSE) and rule Risk Threshold (Rules Editor > Actions > Advanced Mode) for the rule violation information to show up on the Risk report.

Note that Tags for the Anomaly Rules can be found under the GENERAL SETTINGS section and Risk can be found under the RULE RISK LEVEL section.

Identifying High Risk Users, Rules, and Objects

The Top Risky Employees, Top Risky Departments, Top Risky Rules, etc. shows these. You can also create your own custom report and add any rated items you want. For example, Top Risky Object, Top Risky Object Type, etc.


This report displays all the email activity for employees and departments. It comes with several tabs such as Basic, Attachments, Destinations, Sources, etc. Each tab contains various Chart Widgets to give you all the details you might need of the email activities of your employees such as incoming/outgoing emails by Timeline, Top Employees by no. of emails sent/received, Attachment Heatmaps, Top Destination Domains, statistics for email Sources, etc. There is also a Grid Widget (table) on each tab that shows all the incoming and outgoing emails with timestamps that can also be grouped employees by employee, attachment, destination, source, etc.


Viewing / Saving / Printing Email Contents and Attachments


1. Right click on a row on any of the Grid Widgets and select the View email option from the pop-up menu (you might need to expand a grouped row until you see the Timestamps to be able to see this option). A pop-up window will open:


2. If there are any attachments (and you have enabled attachment captures on the Email Monitoring Settings), then you can click on the attachment(s) to download them.

3. You can save a copy of the email by clicking the SAVE AS PDF button or print it with the PRINT EMAIL button.

Saving Email Attachments


1. Right click on a row on any of the Grid Widgets and select the Download attachment option and the file to download (you might need to expand a grouped row until you see the Timestamps to be able to see this option). Note: you can also save an attachment from the email view window (see the Viewing / Saving / Printing Email Contents and Attachments section above).

Instant Messages

The Instant Messages report helps you track any chat conversation, whether on the web or in-app. It can track Google Chat, Skype Web, Skype Desktop, Slack, etc. You can monitor incoming and outgoing messages and group chats.

The report comes with two pre-configured tabs: Basic and Attachments. The Basic tab gives you an overall report on the IM activities while the Attachments tab shows detailed information about attachments.

In addition to the common BI data points/dimensions (e.g., Date, Employee, Department, Computer, etc.), the following IM-specific data points/dimensions are available in the report:

  • Meeting Application: the name of the IM app.

  • Incoming: the number of incoming messages.

  • Outgoing: the number of outgoing messages.

  • Direction: message direction (Outgoing/Incoming).

  • Source: the username who sent the message.

  • Destination: the username to whom the message was sent.

  • Message: the actual message.

  • Attachments: the name of the attachment file, if any.

  • Incoming Attachment: the number of incoming attachments.

  • Outgoing Attachment: the number of outgoing attachments.

An Instant Messages Data Source can also be used with a Custom Report as a Grid or a Chart BI Widget.

The Grid widget supports all the data points/dimensions mentioned above. The Chart widget supports the following Dimensions:

  • All the common dimensions (e.g., Employee, Computer, Department, Date, etc.)

  • Meeting Application

  • Direction

  • Source

  • Destination

  • Attachments

The Chart widget also supports the following Measures:

  • Count

  • Incoming

  • Outgoing

  • Attachments

  • Incoming Attachments

  • Outgoing Attachments


This report shows statistics of all keystrokes entered by the users. In addition to regular characters, the report also tracks words and phrases, special commands (i.e. clipboard copy/paste), use of special keys, and hidden symbols such as <Print Screen>, <Caps Lock>, <Backspace>, etc. The report comes with two tabs: Basic and Categories. The Basic tab comes with several Chart Widgets: Timeline (shows no. of words vs no. of characters/letters typed for the duration), a Heatmap of no. of characters typed, and a Top App/Domains where the most keyboard activity occurred. There is also a Grid Widget (table) that shows all keystrokes by Timestamp, Employee, Task and App/Domain, etc.

The Categories tab shows similar information but for app/web Categories, Security Categories, and Reputation Categories.


Keystrokes Report Under End-to-End Encryption (E2EE)

When E2EE is enabled, the Keystrokes report will mask the keystrokes and you will see an "Encrypted" message. A Decrypt button will also be displayed which will allow you to view the data:

Clicking the Decrypt button will ask you for the passphrase:

If the passphrase is correct, you will see the unencrypted data:

Please check out this Knowledge Base article for more information about End-to-End Encryption.

File Events

This report shows statistics of all file events on the local drives, external drives (such as USB drives), network, and even Cloud files. The report comes with only one tab, Basic, that shows several Chart Widgets: Timeline (by the volume of file activities such as Access, Copy, Create, Rename, Remove/Delete, Upload, etc.), Top Employees (who had the most file activities), and Top File Extensions. There is also a Grid Widget (table) that shows all file events by Timestamp, Employee, Process, Description, etc.


File Events Tracking Limitations

Note that Teramind cannot track the copy operation for a file from one network server to the same network server (e.g. source and destination is the same). For example, copying of a file from \\\source_folder to \\\destination_folder cannot be tracked. Copy to and from same local drives is detected as usual.

Also copying of an empty file cannot be tracked since it will be impossible for the system to distinguish between the file create and copy operations due to the zero size of the file.

Web File Events

This report shows statistics of all web file events (upload/download, cloud sync, etc.). The report comes with two tabs, Basic and Details. The Basic tab shows several Chart Widgets: Timeline (by the volume of web uploads and web downloads), Top Employees (who had the most web file activities), and Top Domains (by uploads/downloads). There is also a Grid Widget (table) that shows all web file events by Timestamp, Employee, Event Type, Domain, Category*, File Name, etc.

The second tab, Details, shows more details related to web file events such as charts for the size of uploads/downloads, volumes of uploads/downloads by hour, top domains by size, etc.


*About Categories

Teramind uses inCompass® NetSTAR, a comprehensive web categorization and filtering technology to automatically classify websites.

Console Commands

This report shows statistics of console/terminal commands executed by a user or an application from the command line. Console Commands can be useful to keep an eye on privileged users (system admins, power users, etc.) as these commands are often used to execute system-level applications and scripts. In the wrong hands, such commands can be dangerous and need oversight.

The report comes with only one tab, Basic, that shows several Chart Widgets for no. of commands for the Timeline, Hourly, and Top Commands. There is also a Grid Widget (table) that shows all console commands by Timestamp, Employee, Executable (app), the actual Command, etc.



This report shows statistics on user searches on sites like Google, Bing, YouTube, ChatGPT*, etc. The report comes with only one tab, Basic, that shows several Chart Widgets for no. of searches for the Timeline, Top searches by Employees, Sites, and Keywords. There is also a Grid Widget (table) that show all searches by Timestamp, Employee, Site, Search Phrase, etc.


*Since Windows Agent 17.0, support for ChatGPT searches/conversations has been added on Windows. However, currently only the user's inputs are captured on the Search report; ChatGPT responses aren't captured.


This report shows statistics on documents sent to the local or network printers. The report comes with only one tab, Basic, that shows several Chart Widgets: Timeline (shows no. of print jobs, pages, and copies), Top Employees (by no. of print jobs), and an Hourly heatmap of the print jobs. There is also a Grid Widget (table) that shows all printing activity by Timestamp, Employee, Printer Name, Document Name, Pages, Copies, etc.


Viewing / Saving Copies of a Printed Document


1. Right click on a row on the Grid Widget and select the View Document option from the pop-up menu. A pop-up window will open that will show the printed document:


2. Click one of the buttons at the bottom to print the document or download it as a PDF.

Social Media

This report shows statistics of employee social media activities for popular platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. The report comes with only one tab, Basic, that shows several Chart Widgets: Timeline (shows no. actions for post, comment, edit post, etc.), Top Employees (by no. of social media activities), and Top keywords. There is also a Grid Widget (table) that shows all social media activity by Timestamp, Employee, Computer, Keyword, Platform, the actual Message, etc.


Login Sessions

This report shows an immutable log of user sessions. The report comes with only one tab, Basic, that shows several Chart Widgets for session counts by Top Source Computer, Top Source IPs, Top Employees, Session Count by Hour, Session Count by Timeline, and Session Time. There is also a Grid Widget (table) that shows all sessions by Timestamp, Employee, Computer, Source IP, Time (total logged in time including any locked sessions), etc.



With the Geolocation monitoring feature, you will be able to track where your employees are working from. This might be useful if you have a remote, dispersed team or have field workers who work on different job sites. You can use the information for security, scheduling, payroll, and compliance purposes. For example, check for attendance, identify if an employee is working from home, track when a user is traveling abroad, etc.

You can also plot the coordinates on a map for easy visualization of the locations (from the Map tab).

Check out this article for more information about the Geolocation feature and get answers to FAQs.

You can select from the following columns (by clicking the Columns tab on the right-side of the grid):

  • Timestamp: Date, time, and GMT offset.

  • Date: Date of entry.

  • Employee: User's name.

  • Computer: Computer's name.

  • Department: The department of the employee.

  • Task: Task the user was working on at the time.

  • Count: Number of times the event occurred (usually it's 1).

  • Country: The country where the user was located at the time.

  • Country first level division: Primary administrative division of a country. For example, US states, Canadian provinces, French regions, etc.

  • Country second level division: Secondary administrative division of a country. For example, US counties, French departments, Spanish provinces, etc.

  • City: The city name.

  • Offline: Shows if the user was offline at the time.

  • Time: The duration of the event.

  • Latitude: The north-south coordinate.

  • Longitude: The east-west coordinate.

  • Error radius: the accuracy of the location, defined in meters. The lower the number, the higher the accuracy.

The Geo Chart Widget

The Geo chart widget lets you plot geolocation coordinates on a map. You can add the Geo chart widget to any custom/cloned BI report. To do so, click the +WIDGET button on a cloned report. Select Chart as the widget TYPE, Geolocation as the DATA SOURCE and then select Geo as the CHART TYPE:

geo widget.png

Note that with this widget, you can only use the Coordinates option for DIMENSION #1 and only one of the Count, Time (hours), Latitude, Longitude, and Error radius MEASURES at a time.

Listing Employee Locations on BI Reports

Most of the BI Reports come with “Office”, “Office by Geolocation”, “Office by Network” Dimensions that can be used with any Chart or Grid widgets to show your employee whereabouts based on how you set up work locations (e.g., office, working from home, etc.). Check out the Configure > Locations section to learn more.


This report contains similar functionalities available on the System > System Log report but has the advantage of enhanced filtering and other features available to the BI reports. At the moment, the report comes with a Grid widget only.

You can select from the following columns (by clicking the Columns tab on the right-side of the grid):

  • Timestamp: Date, time, and GMT offset.

  • Date: Date.

  • Employee: User's name.

  • Department: The employee’s department.

  • Computer: The employee’s computer name.

  • IP: IP address of the computer.

  • Action Type: What action the user took. For example: Login, Logout, View, Create, Edit, Delete, Unlock, Enable Monitoring, Disable Monitoring, View History Screen, Remote Install, Export, Time Edit, etc.

  • Object Type: What type of object the user accessed. This can be Page, Agent, Computer, Task, Project, Schedule, Behavior Policy, BI Query (BI Report), TMA Report (Monitoring Report), Rule, Alert, Monitoring Profile, etc.

  • Object: The actual object the user accessed. For example, Agent: Rob Silver, Task: Presentation Meeting, Behavior Policy: Productivity, Computer: DESKTOP-194N2D1, TMA Report: Applications & Websites, etc.

  • Description: Details about the action/object. For example, if the user viewed the history mode on the Session Player, you will see an Action Type, ‘View’ and Object Type ‘Player’ and then in the Description column, you will see the data and time range of the video such as, ‘Record for 2023-02-28 17:52:58’.

Camera Usage

The Camera Usage report allows you to view detailed information about the camera (e.g., webcam) usage statistics by the users.

Note that the Camera Usage report doesn't capture the video/audio directly. It just provides a way for you to track when the camera is being used, by whom, and in what apps. However, if the Screen recording is turned on, you will be able to view the user's desktop (including any webcam session) by right-clicking an activity/row and selecting the “View Record” option from the Context-menu of a Grid widget. You can also turn on Audio recording to capture audio input/output.

The report comes with only one pre-configured tab: Basic. The tab gives you an overall report on the camera usage activities.

In addition to the common BI data points/dimensions (e.g., Date, Employee, Department, Computer, etc.), the following camera usage-specific data points/dimensions are available on the report:

  • Meeting Application: the name of the app where the camera use was detected.

  • Camera Name: the name of the camera.

A Camera Usage Data Source can also be used with a Custom Report as a Grid or a Chart BI Widget.

The Grid widget supports both the data points/dimensions mentioned above. The Chart widget only supports the Meeting Application dimension.

The Chart widget also supports the following Measures:

  • Count

  • Time (Hours)

Online Meetings

At the moment, this report is available on On-Premise deployments only. Cloud customers can use the Monitoring > Online Meetings report instead.

Online Meetings report allows you to monitor online meetings and conference calls in apps like Zoom, Webex, AirCall, Microsoft Teams, BlueJeans, etc.

If you have enabled screen recording and/or audio recording from the monitoring settings, you will be able to view and/or hear the meetings by right-clicking a row and selecting the “View record” option from the context menu.

In addition to the common BI data points/dimensions (e.g., Date, Employee, Department, Computer, etc.), the following meeting-specific data points/dimensions are available on the report:

  • Meeting Application: Name of the meeting app. For example, "Zoom", "Webex", etc.

  • Meeting Event ID: The unique ID for a particular meeting session. For example, "88408889710".

  • Direction, Incoming, Outgoing: These columns shows if the meeting is incoming or outgoing.

  • Participants, Participants Agent IDs, Participants Names, Participants Emails, Participants Email Domains: These columns show the users who joined the meeting, their Teramind user IDs, email addresses, etc.

Sometimes, apps like MS Teams, Zoom, etc. wouldn’t include participant details (e.g., name, email, etc.) for some online meetings. For example, when a user attempts to join an ongoing Teams meeting, only the current user is added to the participant list. Participants who are already in the meeting are not included. For these participants, the Agent cannot track the usernames. These users will be shown as +1, +2, etc. in the Participants column. For example, “Ian Fransson, +1”.

  • Title: If the meeting was assigned a title, this column will show it. For example, “Ian’s Sales Meeting”. If no title was assigned during a meeting, the column will show blank.

Network Monitoring

On Cloud deployments, this report is available on request. Please contact your customer service representative to enable it on your instance.

Network Monitoring report allows you to monitor network traffic for all users and computers.

In addition to the common BI data points/dimensions (e.g., Date, Employee, Department, Computer, etc.), the following Network-specific data points/dimensions are available on the report:

  • Source IP: Usually the IP address of the user's computer. However, sometimes it might show other reserved IPs such as (mDNS), (placeholder), etc. If you are using a remote connection to connect to the monitored machine, then it will show the IP of the RDP host.

  • Source Port: Source port.

  • Destination IP: Destination IP address. For example, the IP address of a website the user visited.

  • Destination Port: Destination port. For example, port 443 is used for HTTPS connections, port 53 for DNS, etc.

  • Destination Host: Destination host address. For example, "", "", etc. If the Agent cannot resolve a host address, it will show 'unknown'.

  • Sent Bytes: Number of bytes sent.

  • Received Bytes: Number of bytes received.

  • Protocol: Network protocol, e.g., TCP, UDP, etc.

  • Process: The application/process name.

A Network Monitoring Data Source can also be used with a Custom Report as a Grid or a Chart BI Widget.

Both the Grid and Chart widgets support all the data points/dimensions mentioned above.

The Chart widget also supports the following Measures:

  • Count

  • Time (Hours)

  • Number of Connections

All Events

The All Events report shows all the events for all users/computers. In addition to the common columns (e.g., Timestamp, Employee, etc.) you will be able to view/filter the report by the Event Type (e.g., App Activity, Web Activity, Alerts, File Transfers, Emails, Sessions, Print, Keystrokes, etc.) and Event Description columns.

Enabling/Disabling the Report Edit Mode


1. Click the Pencil icon near the top-right corner of a BI report to toggle its edit mode.

When the edit mode is enabled, you will be able to clone the report (see the Custom BI Reports section below), add/remove widgets and tabs, change widget settings and tab settings, etc.

This feature will help you keep your reports, especially the custom reports from changes by accident or by other users who have access to the reports.

Custom BI Reports

In addition to the pre-built BI reports, you can create your own custom BI reports by ‘cloning’ an existing report (a pre-built report or another custom report). You can also share these custom reports with your team.

Creating a Custom BI Report


1. Click the CLONE button near the top-right corner of a report to create a copy/clone of it. You will be automatically switched to the newly created report screen. You can create multiple clones of a report. Each cloned report will have a default name and a number in the bracket, for example: Applications & webpages (1), Emails (2) Once created, you will be able to rename the report later (see the Renaming / Sharing / Deleting a Custom BI Report section below).

Saving / Restoring a Custom BI Report

Any newly created custom report is automatically saved. However, if you change it (e.g. add/change a widget), you can save or restore it:


1. Click the RESTORE button to discard any changes you made to the report. If you made multiple changes, clicking the RESTORE button each time will undo the last change.

2. Click the SAVE button to save any changes.

Accessing a Saved Custom BI Report

Any custom report you create is automatically saved. You can access them from the BI REPORTS menu:


1. The custom reports will show up under the BI REPORTS menu, below the pre-built reports. Click a report to open it. Note that if a custom report has the auto-export (Schedule export) option enabled, the report will show a Calendar icon next to its name:

Renaming / Sharing / Deleting a Custom BI Report


1. Click the small Gear icon near to top-right corner of a custom BI report. An Edit report window will pop up:


2. Enter a new name in the NAME field to rename it.

3. Select employees from the SHARE VIEW-ONLY drop-down list to share the report in view-only mode.

4. Select employees from the SHARE VIEW & EDIT drop-down list to share the report in view and edit mode. Selected employees will be able to edit the report.

5. Click the DELETE button to delete the report.

6. Click the OK button to save any changes.

7. Click the CANCEL button to cancel the changes.

Deleting a Custom BI Report from the BI Report Menu

You can delete a custom BI Report from the Edit report panel (see the above section). You can also delete a custom BI Report from the BI REPORTS menu itself:


1. Click the BI REPORTS menu.

2. On the sub-menu, scroll down until you can see the Saved dashboards Under this section you will see all your custom reports. Click the X button next to a report to delete it.

Setting a Date Range for the BI Reports


1. Each BI Report screen has a dates selector at the top-left corner. Click the Dates Selector.

2. Select a start date (left) and an end date (right) from the dates-selector window.

3. Click the APPLY button.

4. You can also select one of the pre-defined date sets (i.e. Today, Yesterday, Last 7 Days, etc.) from the left of the dates selector window without having to select the start/end dates.

The data displayed on the BI widgets is not real-time. It can take up to 4 hours for it to refresh.

Drilling-Down / Filtering a BI Report

Using the Quick Drill-Down Feature

You can quickly drill-down/filter a Bar or Column chart to view the report for the select data point(s):


1. Click on a bar/column on a Bar or Column Chart Widget to drill-down. SHIFT + Click to select/deselect multiple bars or columns. All the other widgets and the Filter Panel will update to show data for the selected bar’s/column’s data point.

2. Click on an empty area inside the chart canvas to deselect and return to the original chart.

Using the Filter Panel

Global Filter

The Global Filter Panel allows you to configure all filters available for the entire report that affects all the widgets on the report. Each BI report has a time-range filter and a set of common filters that let you narrow down the number of items displayed. You can filter by employees, departments, computers, tasks, etc. Additionally, each report also has its own content-specific filters. For example, the Emails BI Report has filters for subject, body, mail directions, email clients, attachments, etc. To use the Filter Panel:

1. Click the Filter icon near the top-right corner of a report to open/close its filter panel:

2. Use the Time Zone drop-down menu to select a time zone for the report. You can also drag the Timeslot Sliders to set a time range. If you turn on the Show suggestions for selected period only, then the report will only show activities within that time period and time zone.

3. Click the Filters buttons (such as Common Filters, Applications & Webpages, LDAP Groups, LDAP Attributes, etc.) to expand/collapse the filter.

Common Filters such as EMPLOYEES, DEPARTMENTS, etc. are available to all BI Reports. Other filters may be available depending on what widgets are displayed on the report. For example, if you use a widget that displays data sources from the emails, then you will see an Emails filter on the list. Check out the BI Widgets section below to learn more about widgets.

4. When you expand a filter, you will see fields to set the filter’s criteria. For example, you can select specific employee(s) or department(s) under the Common Filters. You can also click on a chart data element (such as a bar on a bar chart). The clicked element will then highlight, and rest of the chart will become semi-transparent. The Filter panel will automatically update with the selected field.

5. If you have Active Directory integration set up, you will see two additional filtering option: LDAP Groups and LDAP Attributes. Click one of the LDAP filters to expand it:

  • LDAP Groups allows you to select user groups from your Active Directory.

  • LDAP Attributes allows you to select ATTRIBUTE and VALUE pairs to filter the report. You can add as many attributes as you need by clicking the ADD FILTER button.

Note that Active Directory filters such as LDAP Groups and LDAP Attributes are not available as data points and cannot be used in a widget as a chart value or grid column. However, you can still use them to filter any report.

6. Use the Exclude option to exclude any a filter from the report. In the above screenshot, the computer, windev2102eval will not be included in the report. Note that, you can only exclude Common Filters (e.g., Employee, Department, Computer, Task) at the moment.

7. Click the RESET button on top of the panel to reset any changes you made on the Filter Panel.

8. Click the SAVE button to save the filter. Note that, this option is available for custom reports only.

9. Click the RESTORE button to restore the filter to its latest saved version. Note that, this option is available for custom reports only.

10. The CREATE BEHAVIOR RULE button allows you to quickly create a rule from the selected filters. See the Creating Behavior Rules from Filters section below for more information.

Widget Filter

Each widget also comes with its own Filter. To access it, click the Filter icon near the top-right corner of a widget. The configuration is similar to the Global Filter, except it will affect only the widget.

Using Global and Widget Filters Together

You can apply both Global and Widget filters together on a report. In that case, the report will apply both the Global filter(s) and the Widget filter(s) to the widget. Here’s an example:

On the left screen, you can see a Global filter was applied to the COMPUTERS field (“desktop-v1xzzq3”) and on the right, a Widget filter was applied to the EMPLOYEE field (“Super Admin”). However, if you open the Widget filter’s panel, you will notice that the COMPUTERS filter was also added to the widget’s filter panel automatically.

Creating Behavior Rules from Filters

You can quickly create a behavior rule from the filters. To do so:

1. Click the Filter icon near the top-right corner of a report to open filter panel.

2. Apply the necessary filters.

3. Click the CREATE BEHAVIOR RULE button on top of the filter panel. It will pop up a Create Behavior Rule window:

4. The Create Behavior Rule window will show you a preview of the rule with the selected filters applied as rule criteria/conditions. Any filters that do not have any matching rule criteria or condition will be ignored.

5. Enter a Name for the rule.

6. Select a Policy (Behavior Group) the rule will belong to.

7. Press the SAVE button to save the rule. It will show up on the Behavior Policies screen:

8. You can edit the rule like any other rule from the Behavior > Policies menu.

Exporting a BI Report

A BI report can be exported as a CSV and/or PDF file or scheduled for auto-delivery to email address(es). Follow the instructions below to export/schedule a report:


If you do not see the EXPORT button, and you are a department manager, this means the DISALLOW MANAGERS TO SEE AND EXECUTE EXPORTS option is enabled under Settings > Security > Access to exported data. Please contact your admin to turn it on.

1. Click the green EXPORT button near the top right corner. A pull-down menu will open.

2. Select the Keep dashboard layout option to export the charts in the original dashboard layout. Select the Full page charts option to export each chart on its own page. Click the CSV Export (Grid only) option to export only the Grid Widgets on the report. Once you click either of these options, you will see a message that the report is queued for export. Once the report is ready you will see a download message like below. Click it to download the report:


You can also download the exported reports from the System > Report export screen.

In case of the first two export options (Keep dashboard layout and Full page charts), if the report contains only Chart Widgets, it will be exported as a PDF file. If the report has a mix of charts or more than one Grid Widget, it will create a ZIP containing both PDF (for the Charts) and CSV (for the Grids) files.

3. Select the Schedule export option to schedule automated delivery of the report over emails. When you click this option, a pop-up window will open where you can configure the export options:

You can schedule only Custom BI Reports for auto-delivery. If you try to export a Pre-Built BI Report, you will see an error message, "Please Clone dashboard first to configure scheduled export."

4. Click the Enable Auto-Export check box to turn auto-export on/off.

5. Check the Encrypt With Password check box to enable password encryption and specify a password.

6. Select an EXPORT PERIOD. You can choose from DAY/WEEK/MONTH.

7. You can specify the EXPORT DAYS (for daily/weekly period) or EXPORT DAY OF MONTH (monthly period). This option essentially lets you define how long exported data will be. Daily reports will be sent every day with single day only. Weekly reports will contain last 7 days and sent on everyday basis too. Note that, for the daily/weekly reports, auto export will happen only on the selected days of the week (Sun-Sat). For the monthly reports, you can specify exact day when auto export should happen. For this type of report, it will contain data from same day (including) in previous month to export day (exclusive).

8. Enter or select the EXPORT TIME you want to receive the exported report. Note that, the exported data will not contain the selected export day.

9. If you enable the KEEP DASHBOARD LAYOUT option, the PDF containing the charts will be kept in their original dashboard layout. Otherwise, each chart will be exported in their own page.

10. You can specify who will receive the reports in the EXPORT TO EMAIL(S) field. You can specify multiple email recipients.

11. Click the SAVE button to save and schedule the export or the CANCEL button to discard any changes.

Note that if a custom report has the auto-export (Schedule export) option enabled, the report will show a Calendar icon next to its name:

BI Widgets

Widgets are the main components of a BI report. Widgets are dynamic tiles that display snippets of information on selected data point(s) or KPIs. Teramind has many BI widgets you can place on your BI reports according to your needs.

The widgets are placed on a virtual grid. They can be moved around or resized. When you move or resize a widget, other widgets around it will reposition themselves to make room for it.

The data displayed on the BI widgets is not real-time. It can take up to 4 hours for it to refresh.

Managing (Add/Copy/Edit/Remove/Arrange) the BI Widgets

1. To add a new widget: Click the green +WIDGET button. Note that you can only add widgets to a custom report (see the Editing / Configuring a BI Widget section below to learn how to edit a newly created widget).

2. To copy/clone/duplicate a widget: Click the Copy icon near the top-right corner of a widget. You can then edit the duplicated widget (see below).

3. To edit a widget: Click the Gear icon (see the Editing / Configuring a BI Widget section below to learn how to edit a widget).

4. To delete/remove a widget: Click the icon.

5. To move a widget: Click and drag the widget’s title bar to move it around.

6. To resize a widget: Click and drag the widget’s bottom-right corner, bottom or left-side.

7. To navigate/scroll in a widget: If a (large) chart has a minimap, you can drag the small yellow rectangle to scroll through the chart.

8. To restore a widget: Click the RESTORE button to discard any changes you made to the report. If you made multiple changes, clicking the RESTORE button each time will undo the last change.

Editing / Configuring a BI Widget

Clicking the green +WIDGET button (new widget) or the Gear/Edit icon (edit widget) next to a widget, will launch the Edit widget pop-up window:


1. Enter a NAME for the widget.

2. Select a widget TYPE such as GRID or CHART.

3. Select one or more DATA SOURCE for the widget such as, APPLICATIONS & WEBPAGES, INPUT ACTIVITY, WORK TIME, etc.

Editing / Configuring a Chart Widget

If you select CHART as the widget TYPE, the Edit widget window will expand to show more options:


1. Enter a NAME for the widget.

2. Select CHART from the TYPE options.

3. Select one or more DATA SOURCE for the widget such as, APPLICATIONS & WEBPAGES, INPUT ACTIVITY, INPUT TIME, etc.

4. Select a CHART TYPE such as BAR, COLUMN, AREA, etc. For some chart types, you might see a SHOW MINIMAP option. This is useful for large charts. You can drag the yellow area of the minimap to scroll through the chart.

5. Select a data point for a chart’s Y axis (vertical) from the DIMENSION #1 pull-down menu. Note that, if you have chosen multiple data sources in Step 3, then only dimensions common to all the selected data sources will be shown on this list. You can delete a DIMENSION by clicking the small Trash Can icon next to it.

6. You can optionally select a ranking order for the data sources under the RANKING option.

7. You can optionally enter how many of the data sources are shown at a time on the COUNT field.

8. If you have chosen a RANKING option, you can select the RANKING BY option and choose a data source.

9. You can optionally select a second set of data points to be displayed on the chart from the DIMENSION #2 menu. The options are similar to DIMENSION #1 (Step 5).

10. You can select the values the chart will display on the X axis (horizontal) from the MEASURES field.

11. You can optionally add one or more sorting orders for the data under the SORT option. Chose either ASC-ending or DESC-ending option and then select a data point the sort will apply to. You can click the green ADD SORTING button to add multiple sort orders. You can delete a SORT by clicking the small Trash Can icon.

12. You can optionally limit the number of items displayed on the chart by entering it in the LIMIT field.

13. You will be able to see a preview of the chart near the bottom of the Edit widget window.

14. Click the OK button to save or the CANCEL button to discard any changes.

Editing / Configuring a Grid Widget

There are two places you can configure a Grid widget:

1. The Edit Widget Widow

Clicking the green +WIDGET button (new widget) or the Gear/Edit icon (edit widget) next to a widget, will launch the Edit widget pop-up window:

1. Enter a NAME for the widget.

2. Select the widget TYPE as GRID to view the configuration options for a Grid widget.

3. Select one or more DATA SOURCE for the widget such as, APPLICATIONS & WEBPAGES, INPUT ACTIVITY, WORK TIME, etc.

4. If you select APPLICATIONS & WEBPAGES, INPUT ACTIVITY, WORK TIME, or any of the DATA SOURCES that has a GRAPH option, you will see additional options near the bottom of the window. You can configure the thresholds and color schemes for Active/Idle Time and Activity (%). You can choose from Default, Discrete, and Gradient color options. If you choose the Discrete option, you can use the Plus + or Minus - buttons to add/remove thresholds or adjust them by dragging the small orange circles. If you choose the Gradient option, you can enter hexadecimal values in the Gradient start and Gradient end fields. Or, you can click the small color boxes to select colors from a pop-up color palette.

5. Click the OK button to save the settings or CANCEL button to cancel.

2. The COLUMNS Panel

You configure the column settings of a Grid widget from its COLUMNS panel:

1. Click the Columns tab on the right side of the widget to open/close it.

2. Click on the small checkbox ◻ in front of a data point to add/remove it as a column on the grid. Use the top checkbox to select/deselect all data points. If you have an Active Directory integration set up, you will be able to select LDAP Attributes as columns too.

3. You can search for a data point using the Search… field.

4. You can group multiple rows by dragging one or more data point(s) and dropping them under the Row Groups section. For example, create group by Employees, Departments, etc. You can also create sums for some of the data points by dragging them to the Σ Values section. Use the small grid icon to drag the data point(s) you need. Note that, you cannot drag and drop certain data points to the Row Groups. For example, Productive/Unproductive time cannot be grouped. Similarly, you cannot drag and drop data points which cannot be summed up. For example, Employee, Date, etc. If a data point cannot be dropped to a Row Group/ Σ Values section, you will see a small no ⊘ symbol as you drag it.

You can also create Row Groups or Σ Values quickly from a column’s menu (see Step 5 below).

5. If you hover over a column, you will see a small column menu ☰ icon. Clicking it will display a small pop-up menu. From this menu you can pin columns, auto-size them, or reset the changes. You can also create a Row Group or Σ Values for the selected column.

6. Click a column title to sort it. Click again to change the sort order (up arrow for ascending, down arrow for descending). Note that, you cannot sort a Group column.

7. You can also click and drag a column name to move it left/right.

8. You can click a Group row’s right arrow icon to expand it and the bottom arrow icon to collapse it.

Using the Grid Widget’s Context Menu

Right-clicking on the Grid widget will open its context menu.

Single Select Options:

If you right-click on a single cell, depending on the BI report and the type of information being displayed on the grid, the context menu will show different options:

1. The Investigate option is available if the Group column is expanded to show the Timestamps. Selecting this option will take you to the Employee's Activity Monitoring Report page.

2. Click the Classify option (if available) to change/edit the Productivity Profiles for that particular site/app. Note that this option is only available when there’s an app/domain column on the grid widget.

3. View record option is available if the Group column is expanded to show the Timestamps. Selecting this option will take you to the Session Player and display the recording at the selected timestamp.

4. View classification profile is similar to the Classify option but lets you only view the classification profile of the selected app/domain.

5. Clicking the Show Details will open a side widow that will show detailed information for the selected row/item. For example, employee, computer, department, task, etc. Depending on the report type, it will also show context-sensitive information. For example, on the Emails report, in addition to the above info, it will also show email date/time, to/from, subject, etc.:

Note that by clicking the four buttons above the details panel, you can make it resize/position it in different ways. Once done, you can click the X button to close the panel.

6. Use the Copy option to copy the selected cell’s data to the clipboard.

Other Options: You might see other options on the context menu depending on which BI report you are on. For example, there might be a View Document (on the Printing BI report), View Email, Download attachment (on the Emails BI report), etc. option(s).

Multi-Select Options:

If you select multiple rows/columns (SHIFT+Click or Click+Drag) and then right-click on them, you will see a different context menu:

1. The Classify option is similar to the Classify option found under the Single Select context menu but lets you classify multiple apps/domains.

2. The Copy with Headers option will let you copy the selected cells along with the column headers to the clipboard.

3. The Copy option is similar to the Copy with Headers option but will not copy the column headers.

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