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Productivity Metrics FAQ: How is Work Time / Idle Time / Activity Percentage / Productive Time / Unproductive Time / Total Time determined
Productivity Metrics FAQ: How is Work Time / Idle Time / Activity Percentage / Productive Time / Unproductive Time / Total Time determined
Written by Arick Disilva
Updated over 11 months ago

When measuring active time, productive time, etc. Teramind will only take into account the focused/active window. For example, if you see that a user was active on "" for X amount of time, it means the user remained on the YouTube window/tab for X amount of time and didn't change to any other window/tab or application.

These are associated with the BI Reports > Productivity and the Time Worked (Employee > Select an employee > Time Worked) report. Some of these time parameters can also be used in behavior rules. Here are some explanations on what each metric means:

Session Time

Session Time = Work Time + Locked Session time (i.e. when a screensaver is running or the Lock (Windows) / Lock Screen (Mac) command is used.

For a Hidden Agent, it's the total time for which the user had been logged into their Windows or macOS user account, excluding time when the Agent was disconnected. For a Revealed Agent, Session Time is the total time logged into the Revealed Agent, excluding time when the Agent was disconnected.

Work Time

Work Time = Active Time + Idle Time.

With this metric, you can determine if your employees were present or absent from work; and how many hours they have clocked in for a selected date range.

For a Hidden Agent it's the duration an employee is logged into their Windows or macOS user profiles, excluding periods where the desktop was locked. For a Revealed Agent, worked time is the duration that a task is started/active in the Agent interface.

Productive Time

Represents time spent on websites and applications that have already been classified as productive websites or applications. Check out the CONFIGURE > Productivity Profiles section on the Teramind User Guide for more information.

Unproductive Time

Unproductive time is total time spent in websites and applications that have already been classified as 'Unproductive' websites and applications . Note that, activities not classified will not count towards the unproductive time, only activity specifically classified as 'Unproductive' will. Check out the CONFIGURE > Productivity Profiles section in the Teramind User Guide for more information.

Productive (no idle) Time

This is similar to the Productive Time. The only difference is, the Productive (no idle) Time measures time the user is actually active (moving the mouse, typing on the keyboard) on the websites/applications.

Active Time

Represents time spent engaging the keyboard or mouse.

Activity (%)

Represents the average activity percentage for the selected date range. This value is an average of the activity level in 5-minute intervals. The score of each five-minute interval is calculated based on the user’s keyboard and mouse activity. If the user types at or above 40 words-per-minute or is active on the mouse with relatively few breaks, score will be 100%. If the user is completely idle, their score will be 0%.

Color guide:

The color table below shows the activity percentage:

Green = 70% – 100%,  Yellow = 11% – 69%, Red = 0% – 10%

Idle Time

Idle Time represents the absence of activity on keyboard and mouse.

This is calculated in conjunction with the Idle Time Threshold set on the Applications settings page. For example, if the idle time threshold is set to 10 minutes, and someone didn’t use their mouse/keyboard for 15 minutes, then the idle time will be 5 minutes. So, basically, the system will not start counting the idle time until the threshold is reached.

Time Focused / Total Time Focused

These can only be used with an Activity-based Rule with an Applications or Websites category. They aren't shown on any of the productivity reports.

The Time Focused condition detects if the user stayed on an application for the specified duration. It doesn’t matter whether the user was active (e.g., keyboard/mouse is used) or idle (no keyboard/mouse activity); as long as they stayed on the app without switching to other apps, the condition will be triggered.

The Total Time Focused is similar to the Time Focused but detects the total time focused (a combination of all the focused times during an entire session).

Worktime: Wage

Represents the total wages earned by the user during this time frame and is based on salary/wage rate you may have designated to the user. To setup the wages/salary: Select the EMPLOYEES menu. Select an employee from the list. Click the EDIT INFO button. You can set the pay RATE on the PERSONAL INFO tab). For more information about employee profiles, check out the Entering / Editing Employee Profiles section in the Teramind User Guide.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why is the Session Time 0 for current date?

Session Time, as well as Productive / Unproductive Time and some others time values may be calculated with some delay, up to several hours, especially in Cloud hosted deployments.

2. Why is the Session Time greater than 24 hours for a single day for a selected date range?

An employee may be logged into several monitored computers and each session is tracked separately. You can add the Computer column to the BI Reports > Productivity report to see the totals per computer and employee was logged in on.

3. Why is the Work Time greater than the Session time?

This can happen when the Teramind Hidden/Stealth Agent is offline for some time (Teramind server was inaccessible due to network connection or other issues). In offline recording mode (if enabled in the monitoring profile), the Teramind Agent continues recording all activity and Work Time, but not the Session Time.

4. Why is the Work Time less than the Productive Time for some users?

This can happen if some background apps were running while the user was idle. It might be counted as Productive Time but not as Work Time.

This was an issue with older versions of the Agent. On the latest Agent versions, Productive Time is no longer tracked if the session is locked, just like the Work Time. If you encounter this problem, please update the Agent. For more information, check out the How to update the Teramind Agent remotely article.

5. Why is the Work Time reported on Productivity Report different than the Dashboard Widgets?

The Online employees widget in the Dashboard screens shows Work Time only on the current computer an employee is working from. Productivity Reports summarize time on all computers on which user has been working at the day.

Please note that, for Work Time to report properly, the Agent should have a task assigned. Especially, if they are using a Hidden Agent. You can change the Default Task from the Agent Default Settings. It’s configured by default, but sometimes you may have reset it, so Work Times may stop counting. The Agent should be reconnected to apply new default task. Restart the computer for the Agent to reconnect and track worked time towards the newly assigned task.

6. How does time spend on sites that are not monitored recorded?

When using the DON’T MONITOR WEB TRAFFIC FOR THESE IPS/WEBSITES setting is used (available under Websites Monitoring Settings), the time log is affected as follows:

  • DON’T MONITOR WEB TRAFFIC FOR THESE IPS will not affect the time log.

  • DON’T MONITOR WEB TRAFFIC FOR THESE WEBSITES will affect the time log. It will still count Work Time, Active Time and Idle Time. However, the sum of time when excluded webpages are in use will not add up to Time Worked since the webpage activity will not appear in the report.

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