How to uninstall a Protected Agent
Written by Arick Disilva
Updated over a week ago

Local Uninstall

Using the Agent Removal Tool (preferred option)

To uninstall a protected Hidden Agent, you need to first download the Teramind Agent Removal Tool. On-Premise or Private Cloud (Azure/AWS) customers can download the tool from: Cloud customers can download it here:

After downloading the tool, run the following command on the command window:

teramind-remover.exe /PASSWORD=<your_password>

Where,<your_password> is the Agent removal password assigned on the Teramind Dashboard (see Password Notes below).

The remover runs in the background and will remove the agent silently within a couple of minutes. To learn how to verify the agent is removed, check out this article: How to verify if the Agent is installed / uninstalled.

Please note that, Teramind Remover tool requires Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 or above to be installed. If you don't already have it installed, you can downloaded the framework Microsoft’s website. After installing the .NET Framework, run the remover as an administrator again.

Using the Windows Installer (MSIEXEC) Tool

You can also remove the Agent using the msiexec tool:

msiexec /x <agent_msi> PASSWORD=<your_password>


  • <agent_msi> is the name of your Agent installation package. For example, teramind_agent_v14.0.1064_x64.msi .

  • <your_password> is the Agent removal password assigned on the Teramind Dashboard (see Password Notes below).

Password Notes:

  • /PASSWORD=<your_password> is not required if it’s the same user who installed the Agent originally but mandatory if they are different users.

  • You can define the uninstall password for a different user from the Teramind Dashboard. To do so, click the Gear icon from the top right corner of the dashboard, select Settings > Security. Under Agent removal protection, specify the password and click SAVE:

Remote Uninstall

Run the following command on the command window:

psexec \\<remote_pc> -u <admin_username> -p <admin_password> -s teramind-remover.exe /PASSWORD=<your_password>


  • <remote_pc is the IP/resolved name of the PC you want to remove the agent from. For example, johns_pc.

  • <admin_username> and <admin_password> are your admin username and password.

  • <your_pass> is the Agent removal password assigned in the Teramind dashboard (see the Password Notes above).

Check out this article, to learn how to protect an agent installation.

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