Teramind's Behavior Rules can be customized to call attention to countless actions that users are taking on their machines allowing you to have an understanding of your workforce at a glance. Here are some of our most popular rules, and the settings needed to create them, that other companies are already using!
To learn the basics of creating/editing rules, check out the Behavior > Creating / Editing Rules section on the Teramind User Guide.
To know everything about behavior rules and to learn how to create effective insider threat detection, data loss prevention or productivity rules, check out the Teramind Rules Guide.
Feel free to download this entire Policy or choose a rule or two you like below. Then import them to your own Dashboard.
To learn how to import a policy or rule, check out the Behavior > Importing a Policy section on the Teramind User Guide
Productivity Rules
Social Media Sites: 50+ Minutes
Accessed Streaming Services
Continual IM Usage
Security Rules
Remote Desktop Access Applications
Save a file to removeable media
*Requires the Teramind UAM or Teramind DLP Package.
Email contains SSN
*Requires the Teramind DLP Package.