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Mac Agent 23.47.4842 (2023-12-18)
Written by Arick Disilva
Updated over 12 months ago

New Features

Support for Geolocation Monitoring

We are adding Mac support for the Geolocation monitoring. You can track users' geolocations from the BI Reports > Geolocation report. You can also plot the coordinates on a map for easy visualization of the locations:

You can toggle the Geolocation monitoring on/off or configure the monitoring schedule from the Monitoring Settings:

At the moment, the following options under the Monitoring Settings > are available:


To learn how Geolocation works and get answers to frequently asked questions, check out this article: What is Geolocation tracking and how to use it?

Support for Files Activity Rules

We are adding Mac support for Files-based Activity rules. With support for this type of rule, you will be able to detect file operations such as Access, Copy, Rename, etc., and take actions such as warn the user or block the activity. Here's an example:

You will be able to view the rule alerts on the BI Reports > Behavior Alerts or the Behavior > Alerts report:

Here are a few things to note:

  • The rule currently supports the following File Operation conditions: Access, Copy, Write, Rename, and Delete).

  • Program conditions: Contains and Equals.

  • File Path conditions: Contains and Equals.

  • Only the Block, Warn, and Lock Out User rule actions are supported at the moment. Note that the rule actions may behave slightly differently on Mac. Please see the Rules Guide > Defining Rule Actions to learn more.

Support for Monitoring Upload/Download Activities to/from OneDrive

We are adding Mac support for the TRACK DOWNLOADS AND UPLOADS FROM THESE APPLICATIONS option on the Monitoring Settings > Monitoring Profile > File Transfers.

At the moment, this will let you track file uploads and downloads to/from OneDrive app. In the future we will add support for other apps as Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.:

The activities can be viewed on reports such as BI Reports > File Events, Monitoring > File Transfers, etc.:


Prevent the Installation of Different Agent Types on the Same Computer

Currently, it's possible to install both the Revealed Agent and the Hidden Agent on the same computer. This could lead to unexpected behavior and also make it difficult to uninstall the Agent(s).

To prevent this from happening and to make the installation behavior similar to the Windows Agent, the Mac installer will now refuse to install the Agent and show a "The installation failed" message if it detects another type of Agent is already installed on the system:

It will, however, let you reinstall the same Agent type. For example, if you already have a Revealed Agent installed you will be able to reinstall it. But you cannot install a Hidden Agent over a Revealed Agent or vice versa before uninstalling the existing Agent.

Automatically Disable the QUICK Protocol on Google Chrome

Google Chrome browser has an experimental QUICK protocol, which isn't currently supported by the Agent. Enabling the protocol might cause monitoring issues:

From now on, the Agent will automatically disable this protocol whenever the browser is launched/relaunched.

Improved Text Detection in Keystrokes Rules

Currently, if you have a Keystrokes rule like the one below, which detects certain text/words with a regular expression (RegEx), will not trigger if the user misspells the word and then corrects it:

For example, if the user first types "vap e" and then later presses the Backspace key to delete the space and correct the text to "vape", the rule will not trigger.

We improved the detection mechanism so that corrected text/words like the above will be detected by the rule.

Enhanced Agent Log Management

Currently, the Mac Agent has a single log file which can be specified using the "log-settings" parameter in the Agent configuration file.

However, this single-log file system isn't efficient. It can grow indefinitely over time. A huge log also makes it difficult to locate information or troubleshoot any issues.

Now, we have implemented a better log rotation mechanism that will create separate log files by date and time. We are also adding a few new Agent Configuration parameters to help you manage the log size.

The new parameters are:



Max individual log file size (MB/GB).


Number of log files allowed.


Max size of all log files in total (MB/GB).


You can specify the parameters in the agent.conf file.

For more information about Agent logging, check out this article: How to collect the Teramind Agent logs > macOS Logging.

Bug Fixes

Revealed Agent wouldn't Stop Tracking when the Switch User/Login Screen Opened

In some rare situations, the Revealed Agent on macOS 12 (Monterey) wouldn't stop tracking a user when the Switch User/Login screen was opened. The last logged-in user would remain active on the Dashboard when another user’s login screen was opened:

The bug is fixed now.

The Agent would Crash After Resuming from a Locked Session

Due to a bug, sometimes the Agent would crash after resuming from a locked session. The log would show an EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV) exception error.

The bug is fixed now.

Some Applications wouldn't Work if Network Extension was Enabled

Due to a bug, some applications wouldn't work if the Network Extension was enabled. For example, the Opera browser's installer (stuck at the "Preparing" screen), Google Drive app (couldn't upload or download files), etc.

This could happen if the application had a conflict with the Agent's proxy certificate.

We made some changes so that these types of apps will be excluded from the proxy interception so that they will work as expected.

Slow Internet Speed when Resolving DNS via a Zscaler Proxy

In some rare circumstances, the Agent might be unable to resolve the DNS via its own proxy. In such a situation, it had to rely on an external proxy server such as to get the IP address. This would affect the internet speed.

This could happen if the remote DNS server was behind a Zscaler proxy but other proxies might cause this too.

The bug is fixed now.

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