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Mac Agent 24.25.5007 (2024-07-08)
Written by Arick Disilva
Updated over a week ago

New Feature

Support for Files Content Sharing Rules

We are adding support for the Files Content Sharing rule type in Mac. With support for this rule type, you will be able to create a rule like the one below:

Note that:

  • Only the Content Data content and Content Type TEXT is supported.

  • All file operations such as Access, Write, Copy, etc. are supported.

Check out the Content Tab and Files sections under Content Sharing Rules: What Contents Trigger the Rules (Windows)? on the Rules Guide for more information.

Bug Fix

Session Time Mismatch with the User's Computer

Sometimes the local time displayed on the user's computer wouldn't match with the time displayed on the Session Player. Also, some parts of the screen wouldn't be updated:

The bug is fixed now.

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