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Web (2024-06-13)
Written by Arick Disilva
Updated over a week ago

Bug Fixes

Instant Messaging Report not Showing Any Data

Due to a bug, the Monitoring > Instant Messaging report would show an error message, "There was an error while fetching data. Please try again later." and the browser console log would show an error 504 (Gateway Time-out):

The bug is fixed now.

Unable to Download Exported Videos

Due to a bug, some customers would be unable to download videos from the System > Video Export screen. It would show an HTTP error 404 (page can't be found):

The bug is fixed now.

Monitoring Profile Changes not Sent to the SIEM

Due to a bug, changes to the Monitoring Settings > Monitoring Profile wouldn't be sent to the integrated SIEM solution.

The bug is fixed now.

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