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Web (2024-05-30)
Written by Arick Disilva
Updated over 8 months ago

New Features

Ability to View the Mac Permission from the Dashboard

This is a feature on request only. Please contact your customer service representative to activate the feature on your instance.

You will now be able to view what Mac permissions are enabled/disabled from the Computers > Computer's Details screen:

Note that the permissions information is only shown if you have an Agent version 24.15.xxxx or higher installed on the Mac. Otherwise, you will see an "old agent version" message.


Better UI for the Online Employees Widget

We have updated the ONLINE EMPLOYEES dashboard widget so that it now properly displays all the information in a streamlined way. Previously, it had a wider Location column while other columns like the Time Worked and Activity were narrower.

Also fixed is how the Location column now displays information. Previously, if the city information was missing it would show an " /" at the end of the country name, For example, "Sweden /". Now, if the city is missing, it will show the country name properly without the extra " /".

Time Display in the "Matched Triggers" Column

The Matched Triggers column in the grid widget of the BI Reports > Behavior Alerts report would display fractional time if you had a rule triggered like the one below:

We fixed it so that all times will now be shown as the nearest integers (without the decimal values).

Loading SSO Settings via the Metadata XML

From now on, the IDENTITY PROVIDER METADATA XML FILE under the Single Sign On Authentication section on the Settings > Security screen will only be used to load the SSO settings temporarily and not saved in the database. If the user edits any of the settings after loading them from the XML file, the user changes will be saved.

Bug Fixes

Update Status wouldn't Change (On-Premise)

Due to a bug, when you clicked the Update button from Settings > About screen, the update process would start but the status would be stuck at the "Initializing" step:

The bug is fixed now so that the update status will change from "Initializing' to "Preparing", "Updating containers", "Updating databases", etc. as the update progresses.

Error when Changing the Monitoring States

Due to a bug, if you were using Web version or earlier, you might see an error 400 (Bad Request) in the browser's console when trying to toggle monitoring on/off for an object:

The bug is fixed now.

Incorrect Time Zone Shown on the Online Employees Widget

Due to a bug, the ONLINE EMPLOYEES dashboard widget would show the incorrect time (when the mouse hovered over the Activity column). The time would be shown in the computer's local time zone instead of the server time zone (Settings > Localization > TIMEZONE):

The bug is fixed now so that the time will be shown in the server time zone.

Incorrect Time Zone Shown on the System Health Screen (On-Premise)

Due to a bug, the SERVER TIME on the Settings > System Health screen would show incorrect time. The time would be shown in the computer's local time zone instead of the server time zone (Settings > Localization > TIMEZONE):

The bug is fixed now so that the time will be shown in the server time zone.

The Date Range on OMNI wouldn't Change

Due to a bug, the report date range in OMNI wouldn't change when you changed it on other reports or vice versa. Also, sometimes the date range wouldn't show any data even though there should be data in that date range:

The bug is fixed now.

Long Comments would Disrupt the UI Elements in OMNI

Due to a bug, if you created a long comment (e.g., more than 3,000 characters) in OMNI, it wouldn't render properly:

The bug is fixed now so that the comment box will resize the fit long comments.

Some Buttons not Highlighted on Mouse Hover in OMNI

Due to a bug, some buttons like the Team Activity and Filters in OMNI wouldn't be highlighted when you hovered the mouse over them.

The bug is fixed now so that the buttons will be highlighted on mouse hover:

The "View Classification Profile" Option on the BI Context Menu not Working

Due to a bug, the View Classification Profile option on the grid widget's context menu in the BI Reports > Applications & Websites report wouldn't work. Clicking the option wouldn't do anything:

The bug is fixed now so that clicking the option will display the productivity profile information:

Failed to Fetch LDAP Settings

Due to a bug, sometimes you may see an error message, "Wrong request parameters: ldap_port" and a 400 error (Bad Request) in the browser console when trying to fetch/import LDAP settings from the Settings > Active Directory screen:

The bug is fixed now.

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