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Mac Agent 24.18.4985 (2024-05-14)
Written by Arick Disilva
Updated over a week ago

Bug Fixes

Webpage Block Action Unable to Close Browser Tab

Due to a bug, the Block action with a Webpages rule like the one below would fail to close the webpage tab/browser if more than one tab were open. The system would show a close window instead:

This would especially happen with the Opera browser.

The bug is fixed now so that the browser tab will be closed when the rule is triggered.

Webpage Block Action not Working Properly

Due to a bug, a Block action with a Webpages rule like the one below wouldn't work as expected:

There were two issues:

  • If network monitoring was disabled, the rule would trigger, and close the tab. But the block message wouldn't be shown, and the rule violation wouldn't be registered on the BI Report > Behavior Alerts or the Behavior > Alerts report.

  • If network monitoring was enabled, the tab would be blocked, the block message would be displayed but the tab wouldn't be closed.

The bug is fixed now.

Wrong Webpage Title Captured by the Agent

Sometimes the Agent would capture a webpage before it's fully loaded. Due to this bug, if the page title changed once the page was fully loaded, the Agent wouldn't be able to capture the updated title. This would lead to incorrect page titles or previous titles being reported on reports like the BI Reports > Applications & Websites and Monitoring > Web Pages & Applications reports:

For the same reason, Webpages rules like the one below wouldn't get triggered until the user switched focus to the particular tab later:

Total Time Focused not Restored on Agent Restart

Due to a bug, the Total Time Focused would get reset every time the Agent got restarted. It would always set to zero each time the Agent started instead of resetting at the beginning of a new day. For this reason, a Applications rule like the one below wouldn't work properly:

In the above example, if you used the Agent for 20 minutes, quit it, and logged back after 10 minutes, the rule wouldn't trigger immediately as expected. Instead, you would have to wait another 30 minutes (total 1 hour) for the rule to trigger.

The bug is fixed now.

The Update Window would be Shown for Too Long

Due to a bug, if you had a slow network, the update window might be shown for too long (e.g., 20 minutes or more):

The bug is fixed now.

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