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Mac Agent 24.06.4902 (2024-02-19)
Written by Arick Disilva
Updated over 12 months ago

New Features

Support for the Time Active Criterion in Applications Rules

We are adding support for the Time Active (min) criterion in Applications rules:

This will let you detect how long the user has been active in certain application(s).

You can use the Application Name and Application Caption with this criterion and the following actions: Notify, Block, Warn, and Lock Out User.


  • If the user switches to a new app, then the active time will be reset to zero and the counter will start from the beginning.

  • If there is no activity (i.e., no keyboard or mouse activities) within the IDLE TIME THRESHOLD, the Agent will treat the time as idle time, and the rule won’t be triggered. When activity resumes, active time tracking will start back from zero.


Granular Network Data

In a multi-level subnet, the Agent will need to trace the route to some target host to find out hops over the gateways. For those gateways, the Agent will now be able to match the IP address with the MAC address for accuracy and granularity.

Bug Fixes

Frozen Agent when Computer Monitoring was Disabled (Revealed Agent)

If you disabled monitoring of a computer from the Dashboard (e.g., Computers > Action Menu > Disable Monitoring or Computers > Computer's Details > Monitor Computer), the Revealed Agent automatically signs out the user and shows a dialogue box, “You were signed out by server”:

Due to a bug, if the user didn't click the OK button within the next few minutes, it would become frozen. The user would then need to force quit the Agent.

The bug is fixed now.

All Browsers Rule Condition not Working

Due to a bug, the All Browser condition of the Webpages >Browser criterion wouldn't work:

When the All browsers condition is chosen, the rule won't trigger for any browser.

The bug is fixed now.

Browser Information not Displayed in the Alert Descriptions for the Block Action

Due to a bug, if you used the Block action with a Webpages rule like the one below, it wouldn't display what browser was used in the alert description on reports like the Behavior > Alerts, BI Reports > Behavior Alerts, etc.:

The bug is fixed now so that the browser information will now be shown in the alert description:

Cursor Position Shifted During Remote Desktop Control

Due to a bug, the mouse cursor would be shifted when using the remote control feature on the Session Player. The bug is fixed now:

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