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Mac Agent 24.23.5001 (2024-06-20)
Written by Arick Disilva
Updated over 9 months ago

New Feature

Support for the 'Private Mode' Rule Criterion (Safari)

We have added support for the Private Mode rule criterion on Webpages Activity Rules. You can now create a rule like the one below to detect private browsing:

Note that the feature is supported on the Safari browser only at the moment.


Moving Rule Checking from the Agent to the System Extension

We made improvements to how the Agent checks the behavior rules. Previously, it was implemented on the Agent side which in the future (when the Content Sharing rule is implemented) might require full disk access permission. To avoid that, the checking will now be done in the system extension. This will also improve the overall performance of the rules.

Bug Fixes

Slow Performance when Scrolling Chrome Bookmark Lists

Due to a bug, scrolling the Chrome bookmark lists would be slow when the Agent was running. The more the items in the bookmark list, the slower it would be the performance:

The bug is fixed now.

Idle Time Rules would Ignore the Mouse Movements

Usually, the Agent measures active and idle time for both the keyboard and mouse activity/inactivity. However, due to a bug, a rule like the one below would be triggered prematurely even when the user was using their mouse, thus ignoring the mouse activity:

The bug is fixed now.

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