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Web (2024-05-24)
Written by Arick Disilva
Updated over a week ago

Bug Fixes

Unable to Update the Employee Profile

Due to a bug, sometimes you might see an error, "Need confirmation with password to do that" when updating an employee's profile:

This could happen if the email address contained any uppercase letters.

The bug is fixed now.

Incorrect SSO URL

Due to a bug, the IDENTITY PROVIDER AUTHENTICATION URL field under Settings > Security > Single Sign On Authentication section would point to an incorrect URL:

This would happen because the system would read the URL from the metadata XML file (if present) ignoring the manual input by the user.

The bug is fixed now so that the field will use the input provided by the user and not the XML file.

Unable to Create Tasks Even with the Right RBAC Permission

Due to a bug, if you assigned the right RBAC permission (e.g., Admin) to an employee and then assigned some employees/departments as their targets, the privileged employee would be unable to create any task and assign it to the target employees/departments. It would throw a 404 (Not found/Invalid assignments) error:

The bug is fixed now.

Unable to Edit/Create Rules Even with the Right RBAC Permission

Due to a bug, if you assigned the right RBAC permission (e.g., Edit behavior and anomaly rules) to an employee and then assigned some employees/departments as their targets, the privileged employee would be unable to create/edit any rule and assign it to the target employees/departments (from the User tab). It would throw a 403 (Restricted) error:

The bug is fixed now.

Unable to Edit/Create Rules Even with the Right RBAC Permission

Due to a bug, if you assigned the right RBAC permission (e.g., Configure productivity profiles) to an employee and then assigned some employees/departments as their targets, the privileged employee would be unable to create/edit any productivity profiles and assign it to the target employees/departments. It would throw a 400 (Profile not found) error:

The bug is fixed now.

Switching from List to Role Access Policy would Cause an Error

This bug would appear if the following situation:

  1. Create a New policy button.

  2. Give the policy a name and add an employee the policy APPLIES TO field.

  3. Change the policy type to ROLE ACCESS CONTROL POLICY and click the SAVE button.

  4. Click the Save changes button.

  5. A Bad Request error will pop up preventing you from saving the policy.

The bug is fixed now.

Data not Available on the Keyboard/Mouse Activity Widget

Due to a bug, the ACTIVITY (KEYBOARD/MOUSE) widget on reports like the BI Reports > Productivity wouldn't display any data. Instead, it would show an error, "Something went wrong":

The bug is fixed now.

Error when Enabling Offline Notifications for All Computers

Due to a bug, if you selected all computers from the Computers screen and then tried to enable the offline notifications option (Computers Action Menu > Enable notify when offline), it would throw an error, "There was an error while fetching data. Please try again later.":

The bug is fixed now.

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