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Release 620 (2022-12-15)
Written by Arick Disilva
Updated over 12 months ago

New Features

BI Reports: New Exclude Option on the Filter Panel

A new, Exclude option is added to the BI Reports > Filter Panel:


If enable, this option will allow you to exclude a filter from the report. In the above example, the employee, admin@desktop-qqem6kq will not be included in the report. Note that, you can only exclude Common Filters (e.g., Employee, Department, Computer, Task) at the moment.

Behavior Rules: Detect the Running of Elevated Apps

A new rule criterion, Running elevated is added under Activity Rules > Applications. This will allow you to detect any application that's launched with elevated permission using Windows User Control (UAC):


An app is usually run as elevated when you launch it from the Windows Start menu while holding down the SHIFT+CTRL keys. Or, when you run it from Windows Explorer with the right-click and then select the Run as administrator option:


This new rule feature will enhance the security of your system as software that usually requires admin permission might make changes to your system. It can also help you mitigate the impact of malware and prevent unauthorized privilege escalation, etc.

Employees: New Active Policies List

A new, ACTIVE POLICIES button was added to the Employees > Employee's screen. When you click the button you will be able to see all active policies and rules applied to the user:


Please note that:

  • You can click on a policy's name to expand/collapse it.

  • You can click on a rule's name to edit it.

  • Any policies or rules that are turned off on the Behavior > Policies screen will not show up on the list.

  • Any policies or rules that are applied to the Everyone option on the policy/rule's User field will not show up on the list.

  • Anomaly rules aren't shown on this list.

Settings: New Send Instance Hostname Option on the SMTP Screen

A new option, SEND INSTANCE HOSTNAME is added to the Settings > SMTP screen.


The option is disabled by default but could be enabled to send the hostname of the client to identify it to the server. It might be useful in fixing email relay related issues on clients like Gmail.

Mac: Behavior Rules > Applications

Support for the Applications Activity-based rules are now available.

You can create a Applications rule by clicking the the ADD RULE FOR THIS POLICY button on the Behavior > Policies screen:


Here are a few things to note:

  • The rule currently supports only the Application Name condition.

  • Only the Block and Warn rule actions are supported at the moment.

  • Rule violation events will be captured on the BI Reports > Behavior Alerts, Monitoring > Webpages and Applications and other relevant reports.

Mac: Behavior Rules > Keystrokes

Agent support for the Keystrokes Activity-based rules are now available.

You can create a Keystrokes rule by clicking the the ADD RULE FOR THIS POLICY button on the Behavior > Policies screen:


Here are a few things to note:

  • The rule currently supports the Text Typed, Word Typed, and the Application Name conditions.

  • Only the Block and Warn rule actions are supported at the moment.

  • Rule violation events will be captured on the BI Reports > Behavior Alerts, Monitoring > Keystrokes and other relevant reports.

Mac: Behavior Rules > Printing

Support for the Printing Activity-based rules are now available.

You can create a Printing rule by clicking the the ADD RULE FOR THIS POLICY button on the Behavior > Policies screen:


Here are a few things to note:

  • The rule currently supports all the conditions: Number of Pages, Document Name, and Printer Name.

  • Only the Block and Warn rule actions are supported at the moment.

  • Rule violation events will be captured on the BI Reports > Behavior Alerts, Monitoring > Printing and other relevant reports.

Mac: Configure Agent Auto-Update (Cloud)

You can now enable/disable auto-update of the Agent from its configuration file (usually located at this location: /usr/local/teramind/agent/etc/agent.conf).

To prevent auto-update of the Agent, add this line in the agent.conf file:


To enable the auto-update, use this line instead:


API: Agent/Me API Call with New Features

The new GET request agent/me API call will now return information about the loggedUser. A readOnly property will return all the features in an array with all possible permissions, what this user can do and which pages they can see:


API: New API Call to Get Application Settings

The new API call will be:

GET /tm-api/app-settings

And, it should return the following JSON output:

name: "instance_name",
type: "instance_type",


name = name of the instance

type = onprem or cloud, depending whether the instance is cloud or prem


Agent: Better File Type Detection

The Agent will capture file hash (MD5 and SHA256) and file type info (based on first bytes) for all uploaded/downloaded files (e.g., uploads on Skype, email attachments, etc.).

This info will be collected for uploads/downloads when the Monitoring Settings > Websites is turned on.

BI Reports: Accessibility: APG/WPI Compliant Grid Widgets

The Grid widgets on the BI Reports are now APG/WPI Grid compliant. This means, they will now support keyboard navigation and aria-sort:


This will create a more accessible web experiences for users of assistive technologies.

BI Reports: Increased Export Timeout Value

We have increased the timeout vale for the report export from 30 seconds to 300 seconds so that larger reports will have enough time to finish exporting.

Dashboard: Better Graph for Online Employees Widget

The Online Employees widget on the Dashboard now has a better graph, with gray bars behind each column. This would make it easier to visualize the Activity % of each employee:


Mac: Cached Behavior Policies and Rules

The Agent now stores a copy of the Behavior Policies and Rules locally to speed up their processing and better offline enforcement.

Security: Possible SQL Injection Vulnerability in Access Control

We have updated the Export to CSV feature on the CONFIGURE > Access Control screen so that an attacker cannot exploit it to inject malicious SQL codes:


Security: Redis Server Authentication

Our remote Redis server(s) are now protected with better authentication methods to avoid any exploits by an attacker.

Security: Limit the Number of Email Addresses in the Notify Action

We have limited the number of email addresses that can be entered in the Notify action to 15:


This limit will be applicable to both the Behavior Rules and the Anomaly Rules.

Security: Cross-Site Script on Rule Action Messages

We have made some improvements to the messages used in Rule Actions such as Block/Warn so that a potential attacker cannot use any unwanted tags or attributes in the messages or inject cross-site script/XSS payloads.

Security: Using Caching to Leak Password Reset Tokens

We have made some improvements to how caching is handled so that a potential attacker cannot use API calls like /password/reset to steal password reset tokens or other sensitive tokens or use an unauthenticated HTTP request to takeover a user's account.

Security: Added Rate Limits to API Send Email Calls

We have added a rate limit so that calls like the /tm-api/send-schedule or send-instructions cannot be used in an attack to slow down the email server or other types of exploits.

Security: Adding/Approving Nodes via Unauthorized API Calls (On-Premise)

We have made some improvements to how nodes are created so that a potential attacker cannot use API calls like /site/nodes/add to add nodes (e.g., terasrv, elastic, teracv, etc.) and approve it with an unauthenticated request.

Security: 2FA Secret Leak

We have made some changes to the authentication system so that it wouldn't be possible for a potential attacker to obtain a QR code or secret code after the 2FA is set.

Bug Fixes

Notifications: "Failed to Login: Generic Error" Message

You might have seen a notification like the one below:


The bug causing this message is fixed now.

BI Reports: Exporting Reports would Fail for Schedule Exports

You might have noticed that when trying to use the Export > Schedule Export option on the BI Reports, the export fails and the dashboard shows the error message, MESSAGES.INCREMENT_LIMIT:


The bug is fixed now.

BI Reports: Wrong Tooltips Shown on Grid Widget

The tooltips for any of the Graph columns (e.g., Applications & Websites: Active/Idle Time Graph, Input Rate: Activity (%) Graph, Work Time: Active / Idle Time Graph) would show "[object Object]" instead of the actual help text:


The bug is fixed now.

BI Reports: Incorrect Timeline Widget

The graph on the Timeline widget (e.g., on the Console Commands) would plot the Y-axis incorrectly:


The bug is fixed now.

Behavior Rules: Rules wouldn't Trigger when Active and Idle Time are Used Together

Due to a bug, if you created a Activity rule and used both the Active Time and Idle Time criteria in a condition, the rule wouldn't trigger:


The bug is fixed now.

Behavior Rules: Rule would Trigger when Slack App/Browser Window is Reopened

If you created a Activity rule for IM: Slack, it would trigger when the user closed and reopened Slack (desktop app/web version). It would also trigger, if the user restarted the service then reopened the app/browser:


The bug is fixed now.

Behavior Rules: Whitespaces not Working on Keystrokes Rules

Due to a bug, Special Key Typed condition on a Keystrokes-based Activity containing whitespace (except for <Alt+Space>) wouldn't work properly:


The whitespaces aren't also captured properly on the BI Report, Monitoring Report, etc.:


The bug is fixed now.

Behavior Rules: Files-Based Activity Rules wouldn't Trigger for Google Drive Desktop

Files-based Activity rules such as the example below wouldn't trigger for Google Drive Desktop:


The bug is fixed now.

Behavior Rules: Email Block Action wouldn't Work Properly for Gmail Web

Block action for Email-based Activity rules such as the example below wouldn't work properly. The warning message is shown, but the email wouldn't be blocked from sending:


The bug is fixed now.

Behavior Rules: Files-Based Activity Rules wouldn't Work Properly for Box Drive

Due to a bug in the file extraction logic, Files-based Activity rules such as the example below wouldn't work properly for Box drives:


The bug is fixed now.

Employees: Removed/Disabled Users Shown as Online

The Delete and Disable Monitoring actions on the Employees wouldn't work as expected. The user would still show as online:


The bug is fixed now.

Employees: Multiple Records Shown for a Single Activity

A bug caused the Employees > Employee's Page > Activity Log screen to show multiple line items for a single activity:


In the above example, the user actually opened Notepad once then started a movie. However, the Notepad event was captured multiple times.

The bug is fixed now.

Employees: Importing Employees would Fail with Error 504

You might have noticed that when trying to upload a CSV file it would fail with an error 504.

The bug is fixed now.

Employees: Importing Employees would Fail for Large CSV Files

You might have noticed that when trying to upload a CSV file greater than 1 GB, it fails and the dashboard shows the error message, Invalid arguments: csrf_token_error:


The bug is fixed now.

Employees/Computers: Daily Export Not Enabled/Disabled Properly

The Daily Export tab on Employees/Computer screen wouldn't behave as expected. When enabling Daily Export on one employee/computer it enables the tab for all employees/computers:


The bug is fixed now.

Computers: Sorting Not Working for Online Count Column

Clicking on the Online Count column on the Computers would sort the column as expected. But any subsequent clicks wouldn't do anything:


The bug is fixed now.

Configure > Schedule: Days Shifted when Creating a New Template

You might have noticed that in some cases, when creating a new Template from the CONFIGURE > Schedules > Templates tab, dates on all the templates are shifted:


The bug is fixed now.

System: Report Export wouldn't Work and Show No Errors (Cloud)

Recently, you might have noticed that any kind of Report Export would get stuck in the queue. The dashboard wouldn't show any error but it wouldn't let you download the reports either. If you took a look at the Teramind log, it might show something like this:


A bug in our report processor caused this behavior which is fixed now.

System: Exported Videos would Show Artifacts

Due to a bug in the video processing system, exported MP4 videos would show artifacts such as yellow hue:


A bug is fixed now.

Monitoring Settings: USB Devices are Unexpectedly Blocked

Due to a bug, The Agent would sometimes block USB peripherals (e.g., hub, webcam, mouse, etc.) connected to computer. This is fixed now.

Monitoring Settings: WSS Port Setting on Websites wouldn't Take Affect Immediately

Updating the WSS Port setting on the Monitoring Settings > Websites wouldn't update the Agent in 2 minutes:


The bug is fixed now.

Integrations: SIEM CEF Format

We fixed some minor string parsing issues with the CEF format used by some SIEM integrations.

Agent: Broken Link in the Download Instruction Email

The Windows hidden agent download link on the “email download instructions” email was broken:


The link is fixed now.

Revealed Agent: The Agent Would Crash After Zoom Meetings

Sometimes, the Revealed Agent would crash after you finish hosting a meeting on Zoom. The bug is fixed now.

Revealed Agent: "Stay logged" is now Called "Stay logged in"

This is a minor bug fix, where the Stay logged option on the Revealed/Visible Agent is now called Stay logged in.

Revealed Agent: "Stay logged in" Setting isn't Consistent

Sometimes you might have noticed that the Stay logged in setting on the Revealed/Visible Agent isn't always persistent:


The bug is actually a temporary one and shows up on mostly slower connections for 1-3 seconds before the application logs in.

The bug is fixed now.

Mac: Revealed Agent on M1 Mac Crashes After Pressing the Start/Stop Button

On an M1 Mac, macOS Monterey, Revealed Agent version 230 would crash with the following error message when the user clicked the Start and then the Stop button repeatedly:


The bug is fixed now.

Mac: Session Time Calculated for Inactive Users on Silent Agent

Due to a bug, Teramind Stealth/Hidden Agent on Mac would calculate session time for an inactive user if the user switched between two accounts on their computer (without first logging out from the first account).

This might happen in the following specific scenario:

  1. The user is on Stealth/Hidden Agent

  2. The user has two Monitoring Profiles: one with monitoring turned off (assume it's profile A), another profile where monitoring is turned on (assume it's profile B)

  3. The user logs in under profile A, work for a while

  4. Then, the user switches from A to B without first logging out from A

  5. The user works on the computer

  6. If you view the Teramind Dashboard, you might notice that it shows some session activity for the user under profile A, even though the user was inactive under that profile.

This bug is fixed now.

Mac: HTML Alert Messages Displayed Incorrectly

If you used the CUSTOM USER ALERT HTML option on the Settings > Alerts screen to create a HTML alert template and then used the USE HTML TEMPLATE option with a rule's Warn/Block action, the alert would be shown incorrectly to the user:


The bug is fixed now so that the HTML alert messages are rendered with the correct tags and elements.

Mac: Users Not Tracked when Switching Accounts

This was similar to the above bug. In this case, the users weren't being monitored if they switched from one account to another account on their computer (without first logging out from the first account).

This might happen in the following specific scenario:

  1. The user logs in under their first account (assume it's account A) on their computer

  2. If you check the Teramind Dashboard, you will see user A as expected

  3. Now, the user logs in under their second account (assume it's account B)

  4. If you check the Teramind Dashboard, they cannot be found.

This bug is fixed now.

Security: Emails Still Tracked Even when it's Disabled on the Monitoring Scheduler

Emails still captured even when the monitoring is disabled for certain day(s) using the Scheduler on the Monitoring Settings > Emails:


The potential security flaw is fixed now.

Other: Password Recovery wouldn't Work for Some Emails

Due to a bug, password recovery for emails containing upper cases (e.g., [email protected]) wouldn't work. The user would get the recovery email but they wouldn't be able to reset the password and the dashboard would show an “email not found” error message.

The bug is fixed now.

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