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Scriptable Rule Logic
Written by Arick Disilva
Updated over 10 months ago

Customized Automated Responses

Build customized responses and reactions to the risky, vulnerable or unproductive behaviors of your workforce.

  • Create passive or active automated responses that react to policy and rule violations when detected;

  • Alert admins, block actions, lock out users or redirect their focus to protect data or realign productivity;

  • Get deeper, granular insights into the exact actions performed by your workforce as they perform organization-specific tasks.

Maximize Monitored Data

Gain valuable insights into the workforce habits behind activity unique to your organization.

  • Make any data Teramind collects a KPI to measure your workforce like custom-app data entry or sent/received emails;

  • Collect behavioral data specific to the actions and activities of any custom app;

  • Enforce custom-built rules that monitor and regulate the granular and specific field-level activities.

Scriptable Rule Logic in Action

Scriptable rule logic works for any organization.

Informed Productivity Optimization

Drive productivity throughout your entire organization by collecting and analyzing custom KPIs and workforce metrics using any type of data Teramind collects.

Customized Data Protection

Build custom responses relating to field-level data in any app, whether custom or web-based to prevent misconduct and misuse of sensitive data.

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