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Release 597 (2022-05-16)
Written by Arick Disilva
Updated over a year ago

New Features

Session Player: Video export for a date range

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

You can now export the video recordings for a range of dates:


Previously you could only export for a single day.

BI Reports: View/export/print captured emails

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

You can now view the email for an email activity or an email-based alert:


Right-click on a grid widget that contains the email activity/report, then select the 'View email' option from the context-menu to view the email. You can also export the email as PDF or print it from the pop-up window.

Note that you need to enable the CAPTURE EMAIL CONTENT option on Monitoring Settings > Screen to be able to view any captured emails.

BI Reports: Encrypt exported reports

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

You can now encrypt a scheduled exported report with a password:


If you select the Encrypt With Password option on the Export schedule window, you will be able to specify a password to encrypt the report. The resulting report will be delivered a password protected Zip file.

BI Reports: Filters at the widget-level

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

In addition to the report-level filter, you can now apply filters to individual widgets:


Click the Filter button at the corner of a widget to apply filter to it. Each filter can have it's own filter.

BI Reports: External link warning

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

Now you will get a warning when you try to access an external link (such as a website) from the BI reports:


This will help you protect from accidentally open a potentially harmful link or visit an unwanted website. To open the link anyway, click the LEAVE THE DASHBOARD button.

Configure > Shared Lists: Delete warning

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

You will now get a warning when deleting a shared list:


If the the list is used somewhere (e.g., behavior policies, monitoring settings, etc.), the warning will show detailed information about that too. This will help you prevent accidentally breaking a rule or monitoring profile by deleting a list used by them.

Configure > Departments: Delete warning

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

You will now get a warning when deleting a department:


If the the department is being used somewhere (e.g., employee profiles, access control policies, BI reports, etc.), the warning will show detailed information about it too. This will help you prevent accidentally breaking a rule or monitoring profile by deleting a department used by them.

Monitoring Settings > Advanced

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

An option is added to the Monitoring Settings > Advanced screen that allows you to enable/disable all USB devices except keyboard and mouse:


To enable this option, turn on the RESTRICTIONS option on the Advanced screen, then turn on the DISABLE USB DEVICES (EXCEPT KEYBOARD & MOUSE) option.


Configure > Access Control: View and create BI dashboards

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

Permission to view/create BI dashboards is added to the Access Control screen under Manager Permission > View section:


Also, access control policies that allows/disallows permission to view Monitoring Reports (e.g., Productivity, Webpages & Applications, etc.) now also allows/disallows permission to access the BI reports.

Portal: Login from an unknow device

Platform: Cloud

When signing from a new device, you will now be able to see the instance name on the Sign-in detected from a new device email. Previously it would only show your account and IP address.

User: Access Tokens

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

The User > Access Tokens screen was made more intuitive and simpler:


A few improvements were added. For example, empty user names will now show the users' email addresses on the list of tokens. Also, when creating a new access token, you will now be presented with two screens instead of one: one to enter the token name and another to view/copy the auto-generated token key. Also, on the token list, empty user names will show their email addresses. This is to improve the security of the token.

Settings: OCR email notification

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

OCR Session Mining Delay Notification is improved:


Previously, when the threshold was being calculated, it would only take the last mined timestamp into account. However, there might be cases, when there was no screen records to mine from. For instance, on weekends there might be no screen data coming from the agents, and therefore, there is nothing to mine. Notifications in such cases would be misleading. The OCR notification email sending logic is improved so that it will only send the notification when there is monitoring data more recent than the last mined timestamp.

Employees: OCR email notification

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

The DEPARTMENT field in the Employees > Edit Info screen is improved to show more details for a selected department:


Especially when an Active Directory integration is set up, you will be able to see details like the local path, DC, etc. when you hover your mouse over a department on the pull-down menu.

Behavior Rules: Block action on Files activity rules

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

Improved Behavior Rules. The Block action for Insert/Eject activity of Files-based rules is removed as it doesn't serve any purpose and might lead to confusion:


Now, when you select the Block action with the Insert/Eject file operation, you will see a warning and the action will not be applied.

Behavior Rules: Error messages

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

Better error messages are now shown when a rule/policy cannot be found or a department is missing from a rule that uses it:


Bug Fixes

BI Reports: Export 1

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

Sometimes, stray HTML tags would appear in the exported reports. This is now fixed.

BI Reports: Export 2

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

A bug caused the BI Report export feature and the scheduled-export feature to export columns that were not selected by the user. This is now fixed.

BI Reports: Grid widgets

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

Due to a bug, adding/removing columns in the BI Reports > Productivity > Grid widget(s) would sometimes cause strange UI behavior. For example, the columns might seem jumping on/off. The bug is now fixed.

BI Reports: Printing

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

A bug would sometimes cause the preview feature of Printed Docs report (BI Reports > Printing > View Document) to show PDFs with broken image. This is now fixed.

Dashboard: Widgets

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

A bug caused the tooltips on some widget to stay partially hidden. This is now fixed.

Session Player: Multiple computers

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

There was a bug related to the auto-focus feature of the Session Player when multiple computers were involved. For example, when a user worked yesterday from computer A, and today from computer B, when picking in the player's calendar the previous day, computer A should be auto focused. However, it wasn't. The bug is now fixed.

Behavior Rules: Block action on Instant Message rules

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

Instant Message (IM)-based rules doesn't support the Block action. However, in some instances it was possible to enable it through the Advanced Mode generating unpredictable behavior. The bug is fixed now.

Behavior Rules: Notify action

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

Due to a bug, empty items were added when you pressed Enter in the Notify action's email field. This is now fixed.

Anomaly Rules: Risk level

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

Due to a bug, sometimes you might notice garbled text under RULE RISK LEVEL when creating a new rule. This is fixed now.

Notification Emails: Agent Scheduled rules

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

A bug would sometimes cause the notification emails, especially notifications for Scheduled-based rules to show cryptic/untranslated text. This is now fixed.

Productivity: Time Worked report

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

A bug would sometimes cause the Productivity > Time Worked screen show only one page of information. This is now fixed.

Productivity: Overview

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

Due to a bug, sometimes the columns settings on the Productivity > Overview report would work in unpredictable ways. For example, unchecked Total still showing up on the report. Or, Breakdown doesn’t show up on the table, etc. The bug is now fixed.

Configure > Access Control: User permission

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

Sometimes, users with an account with a specific target PC isn't able to see monitoring events from that PC. This bug is fixed now.

Settings: SMTP

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

Sometimes the Password field under the Settings > SMTP gets updated even when the Update password checkbox is unchecked. Or, the password field unexpectedly gets empty after clicking the SAVE button.

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