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Release 609 (2022-09-01)
Written by Arick Disilva
Updated over a year ago

New Features

BI Reports: Tooltips for long columns/cells

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

New tooltips were added to the BI Reports:


If a report's cell contains a long string of information that wouldn't fit in a column, hovering over it with your mouse will show the full information in a pop-up tooltip.

BI Reports: Details panel

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

A new option, "Show details" is added to the BI Reports. This option is available from the context menu (right-click menu) of a Grid widget:


When selected, it will show detailed information for the selected row/item. For example, employee, computer, task, available actions, etc. Depending on the report type, it will also show context-sensitive information. For example, on the File Events report, in addition to the above info, it will also show email date/time, to/from, subject, etc.

BI Reports: Grid widget's GRAPHS colors and thresholds

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

You can now configure the thresholds and color schemes for Applications & Websites: Active/Idle Time, Work Time: Active/Idle Time and Input Rate: Activity (%):


Note that these options are available only when you choose Grid as the widget type, select APPLICATIONS & WEBPAGES as a data source and turn on the GRAPHS option. You can choose from Default, Discrete and Gradient color options and also add/remove the thresholds (%).

BI Reports: Bulk classification of apps and websites

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

Added a bulk productivity classification option on the BI Reports > Applications & Websites report:


You can now drag over multiple row on the grid widget, right-click, and select "Classify" from the context menu to classify multiple apps/websites in one step.

BI Reports: Keystrokes without special symbols

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

A new column item, "Keystrokes (no symbols)" is added to the grid widget's right-panel:


You can access it by clicking the Columns menu on the right-side of a grid widget. If selected, it will show keystrokes without any special symbols such as <Enter>, <Ctrl>, <Del> etc. from the list of keystrokes. Note that this column is only available for a KEYSTROKES data source.

Session Player: Context sensitive help

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

Added a new context-sensitive help feature on the Session Player:


Now, when the user clicks on it for 5 times, a help window will pop up with links to various items depending on where the user clicks.

Behavior Rules: Activity rules to detect registry changes

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

You can now create Activity-based rules for detecting changes on the Windows Registry. To create rules for the registry, select 'Activity' under the Rules Category on the Rules Editor. Then you will see the 'Registry' option under the Types of Activities:


You can then create conditions on the Registry tab to detect registry changes for any Keys, Names, Values and Programs.

Behavior Rules: Off-hours on Agent Schedule rules

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

The 'Idle' criteria on Agent Schedule-based rules now has a SETUP OFF-HOURS option that allows you to set off-hours/breaks:


You can break slots by dragging the sliders. Click the small or + buttons to add as many breaks as you want. The rule will not be enforced during these off-hours.

Monitoring Reports: IP history tab on the Computers report

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

A new tab, "IP HISTORY" is added to the Computer's Details screen. To access this screen, click the COMPUTERS menu and then click a computer's name:


The tab shows the history of the computer with Date/Time, IP, Operating System, etc.

Monitoring Settings: Profile-wide schedule

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

A new "Clock" button is added under Monitoring Settings > profile screen:


This will allow you to apply a single monitoring schedule (date and time) to multiple monitored objects under the profile.

Monitoring Settings: Monitoring profiles for computers

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

In addition to assigning monitoring profiles to users, you can now assign them to computers as well under Monitoring Settings > profile > Edit Objects to Track screen:


A computer’s monitoring profile is going to have higher priority than a user's monitoring profile. If a user logs in from a computer that has a monitoring profile set, that profile will be used instead of the user’s profile. Also, if a computer profile is selected, it will track all users on the computer. If just one employee profile is selected within a profile, then only that employee on a computer will be tracked.

Monitoring Settings: New REGISTRY object

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

A new monitored object, 'REGISTRY' is now available under the Monitoring Settings >profile screen:


If the Registry monitoring is turned on, you will be able to detect registry entries such as programs, keys and values with Activity-based rules.

Monitoring Settings: Offline Recording

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

A new option, OFFLINE RECORDING BUFFER SIZE (MB) is added to the Monitoring Settings > Offline Recording monitoring settings screen:


The value in this field can be used to limit how much recording will be kept offline. The default value of 0 means there will be no limit.

Monitoring Settings: Screen

Platform: On-Premise

A new, "HIGH COLOR" option is added to the Monitoring Settings > Screen settings window:


This will toggle the 16-bit high color mode for screen recordings.

Monitoring Settings: Email

Platform: On-Premise

A new option, IGNORE EMAILS IF ALL DOMAINS MATCH (REGEX) is added to the Monitoring Settings > Email settings window:

This setting can be used to prevent monitoring of emails if all email addresses to/from/bcc/cc are all in the list of certain domain(s). The aim is to exclude corporate/internal emails from being monitored. For example: .* will ignore all email from These emails will also be excluded from any active policies and rules.

Monitoring Settings: File Transfers

Platform: On-Premise

A new, DO NOT MONITOR THESE LOCATIONS (REGEX) option is added to the Monitoring Settings >File Transfers settings window:


The field accepts regular expressions as inputs. For example, For example: .*upload.*.

Notifications Reports: Export options

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

New export options were added to the Notifications screen:


You can now export the notifications report as a CSV or PDF file. You can also set up auto-export schedules for delivering the report to one or more email addresses on a daily/weekly basis.

Employees Report: New filter

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

A new filtering option is added to the List of employees screen (the EMPLOYEES menu):


This will let you filter employees who have the User can login to Teramind Dashboard option enabled on their profile under the ACCOUNT INFO tab.

Configure > Access Control: Export to CSV

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

Added a new "Export to CSV" button on the CONFIGURE > Access Control screen:


When exporting the report, you can select which objects (users) to export and optionally add the policy names and rules column to the report:


Note that in the exported CSV, a cell with a “1” in it means that permission is ‘on’ or ‘enabled’:


Configure > Access Control: Keystrokes log

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

Added the "Keystrokes log" on the Access Control policies under Access Widgets:


Configure > Schedules: Multiple time slots

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

Added the ability to add multiple time slots on employee schedules:


There is now a plus(+) and a minus (-) button to add/remove time slots when adding or editing schedules for an employee on the Schedules screen. The primary reason for this is to allow split shifts or overnight schedules.

Settings: Agent default

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

A new option, “Create new users on first agent connection” is added to the Settings > Agent Default screen:


If it's set to false, new agent connection to the Teramind server will not lead to the creation of new employee in the system. This is helpful, for example, when you have hundreds of accounts that you don't want to monitor and don’t want them to be in the system. For example, service accounts.

Settings: SMTP

Platform: On-Premise

You can now add a custom certificate to your SMTP configuration under the Settings > SMTP screen:


Click Select file from the TRUSTED CERTIFICATE option and select a .pem or a .crt file to upload the certificate.

Integrations: SIEM integrations with JSON

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

A new option, "Generic JSON" is now available when creating a new SIEM integration:


On-Boarding: Dashboard invite for installing the Revealed Agent

Platform: Cloud

A new option, "Dashboard invite" is added to the onboarding screen (the onboarding screen is shown when you are installing Teramind for the first time):


The invite option is shown when the admin select "Yes" to the "Do you want your users to know that they are being monitored?" question. It can be used to create a new employee and send an invitation to their email for downloading the Revealed Agent.


Portal: Failed login attempts

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

When there are failed login attempts for more than 10 times, the user will see an error message and blocked from retry for 5 min.

BI Reports: Grid widget's GRAPHS size adjustment

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

The GRAPHS for the Active/Idle Time and Activity (%) columns on the APPLICATIONS & WEBPAGES now auto-resizes to reflect the time selected on the report's filter.

Dashboards: Widgets

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

Widgets on the Dashboards can now be moved properly by dragging their titles/headers area.

Behavior Rules: Files Content rules

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

Several changes were made to the Files Content rules. For example, the Drive condition now allows you to specify "All drives" and "All external drives".


The File path condition now supports only a single option, "Starts with". Also, note that the Except condition is removed from it:


Old rules using conditions previously available should still work fine.

Behavior Rules: Record Video rule action

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

You can now use 0 minute in the MINUTES BEFORE VIOLATION field under the RECORD VIDEO rule action.

System: Report Export and Video Export

Platform: On-Premise

Improved Export. We have removed the limits for reports & video exports run in parallel.

System > System Log and Configure > Departments

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

Improved System Log Report/Departments Configuration. Previously, adding/removing department managers would show up on the System Log report properly. However, when the user clicked the "Click here to view details" link, the pop-up window wouldn't show any details for the affected employees. It would just shows the names of the department managers. Improvements were made so that you can now see affected employees too on the details.

Monitoring Settings: Websites

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

SUSPEND MONITORING WHEN BROWSING TO IPS/DOMAINS NOT IN LIST option on the Monitoring Settings >Websites screen now supports domain names. For example,

Settings: Alerts

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

Improved Alerts settings. The MAXIMUM DAILY ALERTS COUNT field on the Settings > Alerts screen now accepts a larger limit (1000000000) to prevent accidental overflows.

UI: Longer names

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

Improved naming convention. Various fields on the UI now support longer names (up to 255 characters). These include: names for custom reports, schedule templates, monitoring profiles, shared lists, tasks, NTP server names, etc.

UI: General

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

"Google Hangouts" is now renamed to "Google Chat" to keep up with Google's recent update.

Other Improvements

  • Numerous performance and speed improvements.

  • General security enhancements and hardening.

Bug Fixes

Session Player: Self-history playback

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

Improved Session Player. A bug prevented a user from playing back their own session recordings even through "Allow self-history playback" option was enabled on their account profile. This is fixed now.

BI Reports: Productivity report

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

Productivity. Sometimes auto-export of the Productivity reports containing extra grid widgets would fail. The bug is fixed now.

BI Reports: Behavior Alerts Report

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

Sometimes the grid widget on the BI REPORTS > Behavior Alerts > Risk tab would show an error, "Something went wrong" when updating the report. This is fixed now.

BI Reports: Productivity Report and access control

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

Due to a bug, users were prevented from seeing the Productivity reports despites of having access permissions to do it. This is fixed now.

Time Tracking: Time Cards

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

Sometimes the user would see an error, "Error occurred" when clicking the SAVE button on the automated-export options window on the TIME TRACKING > Time cards report. The bug is fixed now.

Dashboards: Widgets

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

Due to a bug, the LATEST SNAPSHOTS widget would not show the correct data for the selected date range. This is fixed now.

Employees Report: Access control

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

Due to a bug, when an employee (with the correct access privileges) tried to export the Employees report, the report would show empty rows. This is now fixed.

Employees Report: Importing special characters

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

Previously, diacritic characters (e.g., é accent acute, ê circumflex, ñ tilde, etc.) weren't supported when importing employees from an external CSV file. If such glyphs existed, they would show up as broken/garbage characters on the dashboard. This is now fixed.

BI Reports: Behavior Alerts

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

Improved Behavior Alerts. Due to a bug, behavior alerts reports were missing the alert trigger. This is now fixed.

Systems: System Log

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

Sometimes the "Click here to view details" link on the Systems > System Log report would show an empty window when reloading the page. The bug is fixed now.

Systems: System Log

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

Previously when a task is removed it got recorded as archived and would show up as "Restore" on the Systems > System Log report with links to view details. It's now recorded properly as a delete event and the additional details removed.

Monitoring Settings: Offline Recording

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

Due to a bug, offline recording was enabled even when the default value for it was turned off under the Monitoring Settings. This is now fixed.

Settings: SMTP

Platform: On-Premise

A bug prevented sending emails via TLS if a mail server (especially, MS Exchange mail servers) was using a self-signed certificate. The issue is fixed now.

Settings: System Health

Platform: On-Premise

A bug caused the 5-MINUTE LOAD AVERAGE (%) field on the Settings > System Health screen to show empty value. The bug is fixed now.

Settings: Active Directory

Platform: On-Premise

There was a bug that prevented the user from adding more than one object to the IMPORT OBJECTS FROM THESE ORGANIZATIONAL UNITS (OUS) field on the Settings > Active Directory screen. When you tried to add additional object, previously entered objects would disappear. The bug is fixed now.

Settings: Active Directory

Platform: On-Premise

Due to a bug, when the LDAP log was too big (i.e., 100 MB+), the browser window would get stuck when importing settings from Active Directory on the Settings > Active Directory screen. This is now fixed.

Settings: Active Directory

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

A bug was causing the dashboard session timeout to trigger at wrong times. The bug is fixed now so that session timeout is triggered at the correct intervals (as set under the Settings > Security > Dashboard Sessions > IDLE TIMEOUT field).

Settings and Infrastructure Admin account

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

Due to a bug, some settings screens (e.g., Localization) would show empty values when logged in as an infrastructure admin. This is now fixed.

Settings and Operational Admin account

Platform: Cloud, On-Premise

Due to a bug, operational admins would receive an "Access denied" error message when trying to create anomaly rules even through this account type have such privileges enabled. The bug is fixed now.

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