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Release 626 (2023-03-24)
Written by Arick Disilva
Updated over a year ago

New Features

BI Reports: New Audit Report

A new report, Audit is added to the BI Reports:

This report contains similar functionalities available on the System > System Log report but comes with enhanced filtering and other features available to the BI reports. For example, advanced filters, customization/cloning, detailed views, etc. At the moment, the report comes with a Grid widget only. You can select from the following columns (by clicking the Columns tab on the right-side of the grid):

  • Timestamp

  • Date

  • Employee

  • IP

  • Action Type: Login, Logout, View, Create, Edit, Delete, Unlock, Enable Monitoring, Disable Monitoring, View History Screen, Remote Install, Export, Time Edit, etc.

  • Object Type: Page, Agent, Computer, Task, Project, Schedule, Behavior Policy, Rule, Alert, Monitoring Profile, etc.

  • Object: Agent: Rob Silver, Task: Presentation Meeting, Behavior Policy: Productivity, Computer: DESKTOP-194N2D1, TMA Report: Applications & Websites, etc.

  • Description: Enabled: Emails, Record for 2023-02-28 17:52:58, file-transfers, etc.

BI Reports: Support for LDAP Groups in the BI Filters

We have added a new dataset option, LDAP Groups on the BI Reports > Filter panel:

This option will allow you to filter employees by their Active Directory group(s).

Behavior Rules: Ability to Trigger Rules for Draft Emails

Content Sharing >Emails rules like the one below will now be able to detect draft emails. Previously, you could only detect contents when the email was being sent:


The rule will trigger when the draft is saved. This way, you can be more proactive and prevent threats such as potential data leaks.

Monitoring: Support for Zoom Web

We have added support for Zoom (Web) version:

  • You can select it from the Monitoring Settings > monitoring profile > Instant Messaging window.

  • You can view the chat activities from the Monitoring > Instant Messaging report.

  • You can select it from the Messaging App criteria on the Activity or Content Sharing rule.

Monitoring Settings: New Options to Restrict the Agent Upload Bandwidth and Timeframe

We have introduced two options to limit the bandwidth and timeframe of the Agent uploads to the server. The options can be found on the Monitoring Settings > Advanced window:

  • The MAX UPLOAD BANDWIDTH (KB/S) field allows you to set the maximum upload bandwidth (in kilobytes per second). If no value or a 0 value is set in the field, the bandwidth will be unlimited.

  • The TIMEFRAME TO UPLOAD COLLECTED DATA lets you specify a time range for the upload activity. You can drag the two sliders to adjust the time. If no timeframe is configured, the Agent will be able to upload data anytime.

If you have many users or a slow network, these options will help you prevent overloading your network infrastructure by imposing a throttled bandwidth and the async upload of video/audio recordings. Furthermore, you can configure it in a way that the uploads take place during off-peak hours only - making the operation smoother. These might also be useful if your end users have a slow connection.

Please note that restricting the Agent upload bandwidth/timeframe might delay the data availability on the Teramind Dashboard and impact some features. For example, playback of video recordings, OCR search, etc.

Settings: Support for Changing the Authentication Method for Dashboard Changes

Currently, a user/admin is required to confirm changes with their password when making changes to some settings on the Teramind Dashboard. However, some users might not have a password (e.g., if they are external LDAP users).

We have introduced a new option, CONFIRMATION METHOD FOR DASHBOARD CHANGES under the Dashboard authentication section on the Settings > Security tab. This option will let you choose the preferred authentication option for confirming any changes made on the Teramind Dashboard:

A few notes:

  • For the 2FA option to work, the user needs to have the 2FA method set and activated on their profile.

  • For the LDAP option to work, the user has to log in with their LDAP credential and admin rights.

  • If a selected authentication option isn't available for a user, the Password option will be shown when confirming changes.

API: New Calls to Get Dynamic Menu Entities

We have introduced some new API calls to get entities from menus that have dynamic sub-menus such as BI Reports, Dashboards, Monitoring, etc.:

  • /tm-api/bi-dashboards - will return an array with all full entities from the "Bi Reports" menu

  • /tm-api/dashboards - will return an array with all full entities from the "Dashboards" menu

  • /tm-api/pinned-reports - will return an array with all full entities from the "Monitoring" menu

  • /tm-api/bi-dashboards/:id - will return one full entity

  • /tm-api/dashboards/:id - will return one full entity

[Mac] Employees: Support for Lock and Unlock Actions

You can now lock/unlock employees from the Employees > Action menu:

The Status column will show if the employee is Locked or Active. When you apply the Lock action, the employee they will be taken to the lock screen immediately if they are online. Otherwise, the lockout will take effect when they next come online:

If the employee tries to log back in, they will be automatically logged out within a minute. Note that, once the lock feature is enabled, it will continue to work even when the employee is offline. You can use the Unlock option to unlock the employee.

Please note that while the Lock/Unlock actions are displayed for all employees, the actions only work on employees using the Hidden Agent.

[Mac] Revealed Agent: Option to Stay Logged In

We have introduced a new option, Stay Logged In to the Mac Revealed Agent:

When this option is enabled, Teramind Agent will automatically log in when it's started. Please note that the Stay Logged In option is only shown when you enable the Save password option.

[Mac] Revealed Agent: Support for Hierarchal Tasks & Search Features

We have updated the Mac Revealed Agent so that it's now similar to the Windows Agent and supports hierarchal project and task lists. You can also now search by task names:

[Mac] Agent Configuration: New Option to Override the Domain Name

We have introduced a new Hidden/Stealth Agent configuration option that will let you override the default domain name. There are two ways you can set this:

We have introduced a new Hidden/Stealth Agent configuration option that will let you override the default domain name. There are two ways you can set this:

1. Use the domain-override parameter in the agent.conf file. For example:

The agent.conf file is located in your Agent installation folder, e.g., Macintosh HD > usr > local > teramind > agent > etc. You can search for it in the Finder.

2. Rename the installer/package file to include the -do() parameter. For example:


Once set, the username on the Teramind Dashboard will show the new domain name:

For more information on this parameter and others, please see the Agent Installation/Configuration Parameters (Mac) section of the Agent installation article.


Monitoring Settings: Monitoring Connections to Hosts with Invalid Certificates (On-Premise)

By default, Teramind doesn't track connections to a website with a bad SSL certificate. So, for example, if your On-Premise server had a self-signed certificate, downloads from the Teramind Dashboard wouldn't be recognized as web downloads.

With the MONITOR CONNECTIONS TO HOSTS WITH INVALID CERTIFICATES option on the Monitoring Settings > Websites, you can now monitor websites that have an invalid certificate:


Adding an IP address in the field will activate SSL traffic decrypting so that Teramind will be able to properly parse and present the information on the Dashboard.

Additional Notes:

Previously this option was called ALLOW CONNECTIONS TO HOSTS WITH INVALID CERTIFICATE. We renamed the option to eliminate any confusion. Some users thought connections to hosts with invalid certificates are disabled by default and with this option, the Agent will allow the connections. But in reality, servers with invalid certificates are allowed by default (e.g., for browsing/downloading/uploading). However, the network traffic wasn't decrypted. So it wasn't possible to parse or show any information for such a connection. Adding an IP address to the field allows Teramind to decrypt the SSL traffic so that information about the connection can be displayed properly.

Monitoring Settings: Clearer Screen Recording Retention Policy (AWS)

At the moment, Teramind on AWS doesn't support the removal of screen recordings from AWS S3 buckets. As a result, the DELETE HISTORY AFTER (DAYS) setting on the Monitoring Settings > Screen doesn't have any effect. Customers could still use the Amazon S3 Lifecycle to manage their storage.

However, users who weren't aware of this would try to use this setting and get no results.

We have updated the Monitoring Settings > Monitoring Profile page so that it now displays a message about on the Screen's SETTINGS column. We have also updated the Screen: Edit settings window to display the message, "Retention settings for cloud storage are not supported yet. Please setup retention policy manually in the cloud.". Also, the DELETE HISTORY AFTER (DAYS) field is no longer editable for AWS deployments:

Settings: Alert Template Preview vs Actual Display

Teramind lets you create HTML alerts for some rule actions using an alert template (Settings > Alerts > CUSTOM USER ALERT HTML). There's also a preview option for the template. However, sometimes the alert might not show exactly as the preview on the user's computer:

This is due to how the HTML text is rendered by the Teramind Agent. For security reasons, we have restricted the use of some tags and others are rendered a bit differently than a typical browser.

A warning will now be displayed on the alert preview so that customers are aware of this:

Settings: Displaying All Nodes on Server Management Tab (On-Premise)

Previously, only OCR nodes were displayed on the Settings > Server Management tab under the Nodes section. Now, the dashboard will display information for all nodes including the Master and BI nodes:

Server: Optimized Saving of Screen & Audio Recordings (On-Premise)

Previously, the server would create folders on a daily basis for screen and audio recordings even when the Monitoring Settings > Screen and Monitoring Settings > Audio were disabled. This would unnecessarily exhaust nodes on the storage volume. We have updated the recording mechanism so that the server will create folders only when required (e.g., before writing a recording).

Server: Optimized Screen Update Requests

Teramind Server sends a screen update request to the Agent periodically. We have optimized the process so that the requests are sent only as needed - reducing both the memory and network loads.

Active Directory: Support for Usernames with Space

LDAP users containing space(s) in their usernames (e.g., John [email protected]) can now log into the Teramind Dashboard without any issue. Previously, this option wasn't supported.

Active Directory: Automatically Hide/Display Fetch Attributes

Now the Fetch Attributes will only be shown if a successful fetch took place. Otherwise, they will be kept hidden:

Dashboard: Display the Email Address on the User Menu for a User with No Names

Previously, if a user had no First Name or Last Name on their profile, the User Menu would only show the avatar. Now, it will show the avatar and the email address if the user has no names:

[Mac] A Better Method for Invoking the Network Permission

At the moment, the Mac Agent automatically requests permissions for the NetApp extension (used by the Agent to monitor network connections) during:

  • First launch after the Agent installation

  • First launch after the auto-update or manual update of the Agent

For some customers, this might be unexpected and others might not want to monitor the network connections at all.

We have implemented the ability so that the customers can now enable the network permission using the sudo command on the Terminal. The option is available to both the Stealth and Revealed Agents:

Revealed Agent:

sudo "/usr/local/teramind/agent/bin/Teramind Agent" network_permissions;sleep 1;killall "Teramind Agent"

Stealth Agent:

sudo "/usr/local/teramind/agent/bin/System Monitoring" network_permissions;sleep 1;killall "System Monitoring"

Here are a few things to note when installing, updating or uninstalling the Agent:

  • During a fresh installation: By default the network extension is disabled. If the user manually executes the commands above, then they will be asked to provide permission for NetApp.

  • During a manual or auto-update: The network filtering is not disabled automatically, it’s enabled. You will not need to use the commands above.

  • During uninstallation: The uninstall script checks if the NetApp extension is enabled and if so, then the script requests the user to disable NetApp.

We have updated the documentation to reflect this change. Please see the article, How to download and install the Teramind Agent for more information.

[Mac] BI Reports/Monitoring: Making Keystrokes Capture Similar to Windows

Previously, special keystrokes such as <Space> were captured differently on Windows and Mac. For example, on Windows, it would show as " ", but on Mac, it would be captured as a special key, <Space>.

This would lead to differences in the Keystrokes reports on Mac and Windows:

  • When the hide the special symbols on the report (by pressing the HIDE SYMBOLS button on the Monitoring > Keystrokes report or when using the Keystrokes (No Symbols) column on the BI Reports > Keystrokes), it would hide the <Space> making the user input concatenated and hard to read.

  • However, on Windows, hiding the symbols wouldn't affect the reports since <Space> is displayed as a regular space, ' '.

We have made changes to the keystrokes monitoring on Mac so that it now captures input similar to the Windows Agent.

Bug Fixes

Dashboards: Live Montage Widget Pop-Up Window wouldn't Refresh

The Live Montage widget on the Dashboards allows you to open it on a pop-up window. However, when trying to refresh the window, it wouldn't refresh and just show a "Waiting for data" message:

The bug is fixed now so that, the pop-up window of the Live Montage widget can be refreshed.

Time Tracking: Unable to Add Time from the Time Records / Time Cards Reports

Due to a bug, you might not be able to add time (by clicking the ADD TIME button) from the Time Tracker > Time Records or the Time Tracking > Time Cards reports. When trying to SAVE the time, it would show a "Forbidden" error message:

The bug is fixed now. You can add time from these reports as usual.

BI Reports: Chart Widget not Loading for Large Datasets

Due to a bug, if you had a chart widget with a large dataset or with a very long reporting period (e.g., 20 years!), the chart might fail to load.

The bug is fixed now.

BI Reports: Various Bugs when Creating Behavior Rules from the BI Filters

Several bugs that would generate an incorrect rule depending on what filters were selected on the BI Reports > report > Filter panel. For example:

  1. On the BI Reporting > Applications & Websites filter panel, choosing TYPE="Applications" and then entering a value in the URL field should create a rule for applications and ignore the URL value in the rule.

  2. On the BI Reporting > Applications & Websites filter panel, choosing BROWSER=<any browser> and then selecting TYPE="Webpages" should ignore the browser value in the rule.

  3. On the BI Reporting > Printing filter panel, selecting a DOCUMENT shouldn't duplicate the document name in the rule.

  4. And other bugs.

All the bugs are fixed now so that a correct rule will be generated when you select any filters and press the CREATE BEHAVIOR RULE button.

BI Reports/Behavior Rules: Time Missing in the Description Column for Some Agent Schedule Rule Alerts

Due to a bug, the Description column on the BI Reports > Behavior Alerts and Behavior > Alerts reports wouldn't display time information for some Agent Schedule rules containing conditions like Arrives Late, Ends Late, etc.:

The bug is fixed so that proper time (HH:MM:SS) is now shown in the alert description.

BI Report/Alerts: "No action" is Shown for Some Agent Schedule Rules

Due to a bug, BI Reports > Behavior Alerts, Behavior > Alerts, and Employees > Alerts report would show "No action" on the Action column for some Agent Schedule rules like the one below:

The bug is fixed now.

Behavior Rules: False Alert Triggered for Agent Schedule Rules with a Daily Work Time Condition

Due to a bug in the end-of-day processing of work hours, an Agent Schedule rule using the Daily Work Time condition might trigger prematurely, e.g., before an employee finishes their scheduled hours:

The bug is fixed now so that the rule will not trigger for an employee whose scheduled work hour hasn't ended yet.

Behavior Rules: Block Action for Browser Plugins not Working Properly for Chrome Extensions

Due to a bug, the Block action for some behavior rules like the one below wouldn't work properly. The rule would trigger as expected, show the bock message and get logged on the BI Reports > Behavior Alert, but it wouldn't block the extension/plugin from running:

The bug is fixed now.

When the block action is working properly, it will remove the offending extension(s) from the browser's Extension menu and if you try to visit the extension's page, it will show that This item has been disabled in Chrome:

Behavior Rules: Advanced Mode Actions not Triggered Properly

Due to a bug, Advanced Mode actions in a rule would trigger prematurely. For example, in a rule like the one below, instead of the 6th and subsequent violations, the rule would trigger at the 1st violation or other random times:


This was happening because the rule would count up internal web page requests that would lead to triggering the rule action unintentionally. The bug is fixed now.

Behavior Rules: Set User's Active Task Action not Working as Expected

Due to some recent updates, the Set User's Active Task action for a rule like the one below wouldn't work as expected:


For example, it would switch the user's task to the Default Task and then back to the task assigned by the rule.

We have fixed the changes so the action would work as it used to before:

  • The action can be assigned for applications and websites only.

  • The task should not timeout back to the Default Task if the application or site is still active.

  • The countdown time for switching back to the Default Task should start only after changing the app/site from the one specified in the rule to some other app/site.

Session Player: Artifacts and Frozen Frames in Screen Recordings (Cloud)

In some situations you might have noticed the screen recordings on the Session Player has visual artifacts and frozen frames. Sometimes, skipping to a different time wouldn't update the playback either:

The bug is fixed so that video recordings will display correctly and the timeline changes will update the video playback as expected.

Session Player: Artifacts in Screen Recordings under Windows 11

After updating to Windows 11, you might have noticed the screen recordings/live view on the Session Player has visual artifacts similar to the example below:

There are three ways to fix this issue:

  1. Let Teramind automatically tune the screen capture to correct the issue whenever it detects Windows 11 on a computer. Note that, this means the color mode setting (e.g., COLOR/HIGH COLOR) under Monitoring Settings > Screen will not have any effect.

  2. You can use the HIGH COLOR option on the Monitoring Settings > Screen. Note that, this will increase the storage requirements for the screen recordings.

  3. You can disable the window shadow effect on your Windows 11 computer. To do so, search for "Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows" on your Star menu. And then disable the "Show shadows under windows" option under the Visual Effects tab:

Session Player/Reports: Switch to the Daylight Saving Time not Working (Cloud)

Due to a bug, automatic switching to Daylight Saving Time (DST) for some Cloud customers didn't work. As a result, the Session Player and some reports would show wrong timestamps. The bug is fixed now.

Monitoring: New Email on Outlook Web (OWA) not Showing Until Page Refresh

Due to a bug, new email notifications on the Outlook on the Web/Outlook Web Access (OWA) wouldn't work and any arriving email would only be shown when the webpage is refreshed. This might happen especially when you have the SUSPEND MONITORING WHEN WEBSITE CONTENT CONTAINS field set on the Monitoring Settings > Websites:

We have made changes to our email detection mechanism so that web apps like OWA which uses Server-Sent Events (SSE) will work properly now.

Monitoring: Text Overflow on IM Conversation Window

Long text without any line or space breaks (e.g., an URL) would overflow on the Conversation window when you opened a message from the Monitoring > Instant Messaging report:

The bug is fixed now so that the text would stay within the window frame.

Monitoring: Screen Snapshots Report wouldn't Show All Tasks

Due to a bug, the tasks list on the Add/Remove Time window from the Monitoring > Screen Snapshots report wouldn't show all tasks and it would look different than the tasks list available on the Time Tracking > Time Records or the Time Tracking > Time Cards reports:

The bug is fixed now so that the tasks list on the Screen Snapshots report will show all tasks and it will look similar to the ones available on the other two reports.

Monitoring/License: Windows Enterprise Multi-Session not Recognized as a Session Host

Windows Enterprise Multi-Session (previously known as Windows Enterprise for Virtual Desktops) available under Azure Virtual Desktop service would be incorrectly detected as an endpoint instead of a session host. As a result, the Agent wouldn't capture data for multiple users this version of Windows supports:

The bug is fixed now.

Employees: Bulk Edit would Enable Monitoring for All Selected Employees

When you enable the User can login to Teramind Dashboard option from the Employees > Action menu > Bulk Edit screen, it would turn on monitoring for all the selected employees:

This could be a problem, for example when you want an employee to access the Teramind Dashboard without them being monitored (e.g., Admins, Supervisors).

The bug is fixed now so that changing the User can login to Teramind Dashboard option will not change the monitoring status of the employees.

Monitoring Settings: Download from Teramind Dashboard not Recognized as Web Download

Due to a bug, if an employee’s computer was controlled via the VNC session, keyboard events wouldn't be captured by the Agent. This means that such events won’t appear on the Keystrokes reports (e.g., BI Reports > Keystrokes), Keystrokes rules wouldn't get triggered, Productivity/Time Tracking reports would show wrong active/idle time, the Online Employees widget would show the employee is idle, and the Freeze Inputs feature on the Session Player wouldn't work. The bug is fixed now.

Monitoring Settings: Password Fields Still Captured Even when the Option is Disabled

When the MONITOR KEYSTROKES FOR PASSWORD FIELDS option on the Monitoring Settings > Websites is disabled, the Agent shouldn't track keystrokes when a password field is active. However, due to a bug, it would continue to capture keystrokes from the field:

The bug is fixed now.

Monitoring Settings: All Websites are Blacked Out when a Shared List is Used

You can use a text-based Shared List in the MONITOR ONLY THESE WEBSITES field on the Monitoring Settings > Websites window. The expected behavior is: only a browser window displaying a website not listed in the shared list should be blacked out on the Session Player/screen recordings. However, due to a bug, the Agent would black out all windows:

This would happen because the Agent would try to match the exact URL specified in a shared list. So, for example, if the shared list contained an item, wouldn't work. But would work as expected:

The bug is fixed now.

Monitoring Settings: File Driver Setting not Applied to the Endpoint

Due to a bug, the File Driver setting (available on the Monitoring Settings > Advanced window) wouldn't get applied to the user's computer. Even if you turned the setting off, you could still see the service (tmfsdrv2) still running:


The bug is fixed now.

Notifications: Incorrect Notifications Displayed for Attempted Logins by Deleted Employees

Currently, when you delete an employee (e.g., from the Employees > Action menu), and the employee then tries to log in through the Revealed Agent, the Notifications report shows "Bad password" as the cause of their failed login attempt:

The notification is fixed so that it now shows "Employee is deleted" as the cause of the notification:

Integrations: Tasks Synchronization Issues with Jira

If you had multiple statuses with the same project name (e.g., team-managed projects) in Jira, and only selected a few of those statuses (e.g., 2 out of 5), then it would cause Teramind to miss tasks when syncing with Jira. Teramind might also fail to log back time tracking into Jira.

We fixed the integration so that, Teramind will now correctly correlate projects and statutes and sync the tasks accordingly. The resulting task will show in this format: status (project). For example, To do (BUG), In progress (TEST), Resolved (TEST), etc.:

Settings/User Menu: Port Missing in Agent Download Links when Custom Hostname and Server Ports are Used.

Due to a bug, the agent download links on the User Menu > Download Teramind Agent or the Welcome screen would not include the ports if a custom Hostname (Settings > Security) and Server ports (Settings > Server Management) were used.

The bug was fixed so that the links will now include the Hostname and Server ports:


User Menu: "Invite Users to Download the Revealed Agent Option" not Working

Due to a bug, you might not be able to add a new employee by choosing the Invite users to download the Revealed Agent option from the User Menu > Download Teramind Agent or the Welcome screen. When you clicked the ADD USER AND SEND INVITATION button, nothing would happen:

The bug is fixed now so that when you add a new user and click the button, it will show a, Your invite was successfully sent! Invite more users now or head to the dashboard to continue! message and the user will receive an email to install the Agent.

Agent: Agent would Crash and Restart when There is No Audio Device

The Agent would periodically crash and restart when there's no audio device installed on the computer. The bug would affect some of the older versions of the Agent (ver 6.1, 7.0, etc.). The bug is fixed now.

Server: No Confirmation for the Update Process (On-Premise)

Due to a bug, server updates sometimes wouldn't show any confirmation when it finished the update and it wouldn't refresh the page either. Even though the update finished successfully, the update message would stay stuck at some random step such as “updating scripts":

The bug is fixed now so that Teramind will show an "update" message when the server update process completes successfully and then within a few seconds it will refresh the page automatically.

Server: Missing/Expired Support PIN (Cloud)

On rare occasions, you might not get a new PIN after clicking the RENEW button from the My Account > SUPPORT PIN tab. Or, the system would show an "Expired" message:

This could happen if the system date/time were configured incorrectly. We updated the mechanism so that it will check server time to verify the validity of a PIN. However, you should also ensure the date/time at the user's computer is also valid to avoid any other issues.

Daily Digest/Teramind Snapshot: Black Background under Icons

Some of the icons on the Daily Digest/Teramind Snapshot email would have a black background on some email clients such as Gmail:

The bug is fixed now so that the icons are displayed correctly.

Daily Digest/Teramind Snapshot: Missing/Garbled Text on the Spanish Version

Due to how international languages are encoded, you might have noticed missing characters, garbled text and missing translations in the Spanish version of the daily digest email:

The bug is fixed now so that Spanish text is properly displayed.

Teramind Diagnostics Tool (TMDIAG): Inconsistent Timestamps in Logs

A bug was fixed in the TMDIAG to address time inconsistency in the log records:

[Mac] Behavior Rules: Rule Violation Messages would Truncate

You might have noticed that when using a long message with rule actions such as Warn, Block, etc., part of the message is truncated (cut off):


The bug is fixed now.

[Mac] Behavior Rules: Keystrokes Rules wouldn't Trigger when Conditions Contain Spaces

This is related to the <Space> bug above. If a Keystrokes rule contained space (" ") either in the Text Typed or Word Types condition, the rule wouldn't work. For example, the following rule wouldn't get triggered:


The bug is fixed now.

[Mac] Monitoring: Captured Printed Documents would Show Black Background on TextEdit Documents

Due to a bug, documents captured from the printer (when the CAPTURE ACTUAL DOCUMENT option on the Monitoring Settings > Printed Doc is enabled) would show a black background for files printed from TextEdit. This can be seen when choosing the View document option from the BI Reports > Printing or clicking the Document from the Monitoring > Printing report:

The bug is fixed now.

[Mac] Monitoring: Keystrokes Reports would Show Space as <Space>

On the BI Reports > Keystrokes or Monitoring > Keystrokes report, you might have noticed the spaces were being captured as <Space> whereas it should be captured as a normal space, " ":


The bug is fixed now.

[Mac] Monitoring: Keystrokes not Captured on VNC Sessions

Due to a bug, if an employee’s computer was controlled via the VNC session, keyboard events wouldn't be captured by the Agent. This means that such events won’t appear on the Keystrokes reports (e.g., BI Reports > Keystrokes), Keystrokes rules wouldn't get triggered, Productivity/Time Tracking reports would show wrong active/idle time, the Online Employees widget would show the employee is idle, and the Freeze Inputs feature on the Session Player wouldn't work. The bug is fixed now.

[Mac] Monitoring: Process Name Missing on the Network Monitoring Report

Due to a bug, process names were missing for some daemons and console apps (e.g., the Terminal) on reports like the Monitoring > Network:

The bug is fixed so that the process names are captured now.

[Mac] Session Player: Cursor not Visible on Remote Desktop Control or Video Recordings

Due to a bug mouse pointer/cursor wasn't visible on the remote desktop control or video recordings (on the Session Player). The bug is fixed now.

[Mac] The Agent would Crash when Using the Screen Recorder

The Mac Agent would crash when using the built-in screen recorder tool (Command + Shift + 5). We've noticed this on macOS Catalina (version 10.15), but other versions might be affected too:


The bug is fixed now.

[Mac] The Agent would Crash when Switching to the Login Window

The Mac Agent would crash if you switched to the Login Window (User > Login Window). Or, you tried to switch the user from the Lock screen:


The bug is fixed now.

[Mac] The Agent would Crash if an External Display is Used

Some versions of the Mac Agent (prior to ver 1.234) would crash when an external monitor is connected or disconnected:


The bug is fixed now.

[Mac] "Your screen is being observed" Message Shown to the User

When screen recording is enabled, sometimes the user might see a message, "Your screen is being observed" on their lock screen:


This could happen randomly when the Mac was locked, when it's about to enter the sleep state, or when the user would switch account from the fast user switching menu. Sometimes, the message would go away within a few seconds and other times it would remain on the screen.

The bug is fixed now so that the message is no longer shown.

[Mac] Revealed Agent: Task Couldn't be Started with the Play Button

When you hover your mouse over a task on the Tasks or History tab, a Play button is shown. Clicking the button should let you start a new task. But due to a bug, nothing would happen when you clicked the button:

The bug is fixed now so clicking the play button will let you start a new task.

[Mac] The Agent would Crash when Visiting Certain Websites

In some rare cases, the Agent would crash if you visit certain websites. The problem would occur if the NetApp (the network extension) weren't able to resolve the IP addresses and DNS names. The bug is fixed now.

[Mac] The Agent would Crash when Handling IPv6 Resources

If you tried to use any IPv6 service or resource, it would crash the Agent. This is because currently, the Mac Agent doesn't support IPv6 network monitoring. However, to fix the crash, we have implemented measures to disregard any IPv6 connections (e.g., no such connections will show up on the Monitoring > Network Monitoring report).

[Mac] The Lock Action would Lock Out an Active User

The problem would arise when a Mac has more than one user account, and one of those accounts has been locked out from the Teramind Dashboard (Employees > Action menu > Lock). In this case, when user selection screen is opened, the Agent will attempt to lock the screen preventing the user from logging into another, unlocked account.

The bug is fixed now so that logging into an unlocked account is allowed even if the other account(s) are locked.

[Mac] The Lock Action would Lock Out a User with Revealed Agent

The Lock action on the Employees > Action menu would lock out a user on the Revealed Agent when they try to log in. The Lock action is supposed to work on the Hidden Agent only. The bug is fixed now.

[Mac] Issues with Multiple Simultaneous Logins by the Same User

Currently, if a user tries to log in from multiple computers on the Revealed Agent, the Agent would go into an infinite reconnect loop. For example, a user first logs in on a PC and then tries to log in on a Mac. In this situation, the following might happen:

  1. The user is able to log into the Agent on their Mac, but the Agent on the PC would get disconnected and it would keep trying to connect to the server.

  2. The Agent on the Mac gets disconnected and the Agent on the PC is connected.

Both of these events would repeat indefinitely. You could terminate the Agents to prevent this. However, if you forgot to log out on your second computer and don’t have access to it, that could be a problem.

We have fixed the bug and also improved how a situation like this will be handled. Now, when the user tries to log into two computers simultaneously:

1. The Agent on the first computer will show a notification and the user will be logged out:

2. The Agent on the second computer will log in successfully.

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