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Mac Agent 1.234 (2023-01-30)
Written by Arick Disilva
Updated over 11 months ago


A Better Method for Invoking the Network Permission

At the moment, the Mac Agent automatically requests permissions for the NetApp extension (used by the Agent to monitor network connections) during:

  • First launch after the Agent installation

  • First launch after the auto-update or manual update of the Agent

For some customers, this might be unexpected and some other customers might not want to monitor the network connections at all.

We have implemented the ability so that the customers can now enable the network permission using the sudo command on the Terminal. The option is available to both the Stealth and Revealed Agents:

Revealed Agent:

sudo "/usr/local/teramind/agent/bin/Teramind Agent" network_permissions;sleep 1;killall "Teramind Agent"

Stealth Agent:

sudo "/usr/local/teramind/agent/bin/System Monitoring" network_permissions;sleep 1;killall "System Monitoring"

Here are a few things to note:

  • During a fresh installation: By default the network extension is disabled. If the user manually executes the commands above, then they will be asked to provide permission for NetApp.

  • During a manual or auto-update: The network filtering is not disabled automatically, it’s enabled. You will not need to use the commands above.

  • During uninstallation: The uninstall script checks if the NetApp extension is enabled and if so, then the script requests the user to disable NetApp.

We have updated the documentation to reflect this change. Please see the article, How to download and install the Teramind Agent for more information.

Bug Fixes

The Agent would Crash if an External Display is Used

The Agent would crash when an external monitor is connected or disconnected:


The bug is fixed now.

The Agent would Crash when Using the Screen Recorder

The Agent would crash when using the built-in screen recorder tool (Command + Shift + 5). We've noticed this on macOS Catalina (version 10.15), but other versions might be affected too:


The bug is fixed now.

The Agent would Crash when Switching to the Login Window

The Agent would crash if you switched to the Login Window (User > Login Window). Or, you tried to switch the user from the Lock screen:


The bug is fixed now.

The Agent would Crash when Visiting Certain Websites

In some rare cases, the Agent would crash if you visit certain websites. The problem would occur if the NetApp (the network extension) weren't able to resolve the IP addresses and DNS names. The bug is fixed now.

The Agent would Crash when Handling IPv6 Resources

If you tried to use any IPv6 service or resource, it would crash the Agent. This is because currently, the Mac Agent doesn't support IPv6 network monitoring. However, to fix the crash, we have implemented measures to disregard any IPv6 connections (e.g., no such connections will show up on the Monitoring > Network Monitoring report).

The Agent wouldn't Capture Keystrokes on VNC Sessions

Due to a bug, if a employee’s computer was controlled via the VNC session, keyboard events wouldn't be captured by the Agent. This means that such events won’t appear on the Keystrokes reports (e.g., BI Reports > Keystrokes), It also meant that, any Keystrokes rules wouldn't get triggered and the Freeze Inputs feature on the Session Player wouldn't work either. The bug is fixed now.

Spaces Captured as <Space>

On the BI Reports > Keystrokes or Monitoring > Keystrokes report, you might have noticed the spaces were being captured as <Space> whereas it should be captured as a normal space, " ":


The bug is fixed now.

Keystrokes Rules Wouldn't Trigger when Conditions Contain Spaces

This is related to the <Space> bug above. If a Keystrokes rule contained space (" ") either in the Text Typed or Word Types condition, the rule wouldn't work. For example, the following rule wouldn't get triggered:


The bug is fixed now.

Rule Violation Messages Would Truncate

You might have noticed that when using a long message with rule actions such as Warn, Block, etc., part of the message is truncated (cut off):


The bug is fixed now.

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