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Mac Agent 1.238 (2023-05-19)
Written by Arick Disilva
Updated over 12 months ago

New Features

Support for Network Monitoring Settings

In Mac Agent 1.233, we introduced support for Networking monitoring on Mac. But the Agent didn't support changing the monitoring settings of the Network.

Now, you can configure the following from Monitoring Settings > Monitoring profile:


Here are a few things to note about the Network settings:

  1. If you turn off the entire NETWORK monitoring - no certificate will be injected, no network tracking will take place, and Network-based behavior rules will not work.

  2. If you turn off the SSL option, but leave the TRACK NETWORK CONNECTIONS option on, then packets will be intercepted back and forth, Teramind proxy certificate will not be injected.

  3. If you turn off the TRACK NETWORK CONNECTIONS option, no network activities will be tracked. However, the Teramind proxy certificate will be injected. Websites and other network-based interceptions will work. Network-based behavior rules will work too.

Support for Dashboard-Based Remote Uninstallation of the Hidden/Stealth Agent

You can now uninstall the Hidden/Stealth Agent remotely from the Dashboard. You can do it from the Computers or the Computer's Details screen:

To do it from the Computers screen:

  1. Select one or more computers by clicking the Check Marks in front of their names.

  2. Click the Computer Action Menu (where it says Select action) on top and select the Uninstall Agent from PC option.

To do it from the Computer's Details screen:

  1. First, click the name of a computer from the Computers screen. Then, press the UNINSTALL AGENT FROM PC button.

If the Mac is online, it will be removed shortly. If it's offline, it will be removed when it comes online.

Support for Shared Lists in Applications Monitoring Settings

In Mac Agent 1.237, we introduced support for Shared Lists on Mac. But it was limited to Behavior Rules only. In this version, we are adding support for Shared Lists (Text-based only) to some of the Applications monitoring settings.

You can create a Shared List by clicking the Create list button on the Configure > Shared Lists screen:

Once the lists are created, you can use them in the Monitoring Settings > Monitoring Profile > Applications settings panel:


Shared lists are supported in the following settings:

  • MONITOR ONLY THESE APPLICATIONS - if you add shared list(s) here, the Agent will monitor only the apps listed in the shared list(s), plus any other apps specified in the field.

  • SUSPEND MONITORING WHEN THESE APPLICATIONS ARE USED - - if you add shared list(s) here, the Agent will suspend the monitoring of any apps listed in the shared list(s), plus any other apps specified in the field. Suspend also means, it will not capture any keystrokes for the apps and it will blackout the app windows in the video recordings or during the live view mode (see the Monitoring Settings > Dynamic Blackout section on the User Guide for more information).

  • SUSPEND KEYSTROKE MONITORING WHEN THESE APPLICATIONS ARE USED - if you add shared list(s) here, the Agent will not capture any keystrokes from any apps listed in the shared list(s), plus any other apps specified in the field.

Bug Fixes

Keystrokes on VNC® Captured Incorrectly

You might have noticed that sometimes when using VNC, keystrokes aren't captured properly. This can happen if a non-English keyboard layout is used or if the languages are different between the VNC Player and the VNC Server. For example, when the Russian keyboard layout is selected on both sides, English letters appear in the Keystrokes reports (e.g., Monitoring > Keystrokes, BI Reports > Keystrokes, etc.). Or, when English and Russian languages are selected, the Keystrokes reports show part of the keystrokes as shortcut symbols (e.g., the text, Hello is displayed as He<Option+L><Option+L>o):

The bug is fixed now so that keystrokes should be captured correctly on VNC.

Wrong Auto-Update Request

The auto-update of the Agent might fail due to an incorrectly formatted URL. The bug is fixed now.

Time Tracking Issues with the Revealed Agent when the Mac is Locked/Unlocked

If a user locks their Mac (e.g., Apple Menu > Lock Screen) when a task is running on the Revealed Agent, it should stop the task but continue to track time (as locked session). When the user unlocks the Mac, the Agent should connect to the server and restart the previously running task.

However, due to a bug, this expected behavior wouldn't happen. Instead, the Agent would stop tracking the time as soon as the user locks the screen and it wouldn't let the user start any task after they log back in.

The bug is fixed now.

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