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Windows Agent 23.47.1281 (2023-12-08)
Written by Arick Disilva
Updated over a year ago


Better Geolocation Updated

Previously, if no value was set in the TIME THRESHOLD (S) field on Monitoring Settings > Monitoring Profile > Geolocation window, the Agent would update geolocation every 30 seconds even if the user didn't change their location:

We made improvements so that if no value is set in the TIME THRESHOLD (S) field, it will default to 0. This means, the Agent will only update the geolocation when the user changes their location (unless you specify a time threshold).

Bug Fixes

Webpage Title and Domain wouldn't Match on the Activity Reports Sometimes

Due to a bug, the webpage title and domain/URL might not match on the activity reports such as BI Reports > Applications & Websites, Monitoring > Web Pages & Applications, etc.

This could happen if a user entered a URL in the browser's address bar while visiting another site. In such a case, you might see an activity with a mismatching URL and webpage. The activity would usually have a short duration (i.e., a few seconds - time it took to load the new page).

In the example below, the user entered "" in the address bar while on the "" site. On the Monitoring Report, you can see that, just before the browser loaded the "" site, the Agent recorded an activity that shows the URL as "" but the page title is "Wikipedia - Google Chrome":

The bug is fixed now so that the page title will be shown as blank for this type of website activity:

Outgoing Messages on Microsoft Teams would be Shown as Incoming

Due to a bug, both incoming and outgoing messages on Microsoft Teams would be shown as incoming on the BI Reports > Instant Messages report:

The bug is fixed now.

Clipboard Rules would Cause Issues with the Calculator App

We have identified a bug that could cause issues with the Windows Calculator app when using a Clipboard-based Content Sharing rule.

  1. If you had a Clipboard rule with a Block action like the one below, the Calculator app would crash as soon as the user pasted something that triggered the rule:

  2. If you had a rule with any other action (e.g., Warn, Notify, etc.), and tried to paste something that triggered the rule, the text will be pasted for the first time but then subsequent paste operations would fail:

The bug is fixed so both of the issues are eliminated now.

Credit Card Detection Mode on Content Sharing Rules not Working as Expected

Due to a bug, the CREDIT CARD DETECTION MODE feature on the Content Sharing rule wouldn't work as expected. As an example, if you had two similar Clipboard rules but one using the Loose condition while the other using a Strict condition, both would get triggered if you copy/pasted something like, "6 5 183 194 94.33":

In the above example, only the first rule (with the Loose condition) should have been triggered.

The bug is fixed now.

Email Addresses Condition on Content Sharing Rules would Cause the Agent to Crash

Due to a bug, if you used the EMail addresses condition on a Content Sharing rule, it would cause the Agent to crash when the rule was triggered:

The bug is fixed now.

Invalid Values in the Network Monitoring Settings would Cause the Agent to Disconnect/Reconnect Continuously

Due to a bug, invalid values in the DO NOT TRACK THESE PORTS field on the Monitoring Settings > Monitoring Profile > Network window would cause the Agent to continuously disconnect and reconnect:

We fixed the bug so that from now on, invalid values in the field will be ignored and an "invalid port" error will be logged into the agent.log file:

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